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Created page with "This is a listing of all generic characters available as opponents from Stage 4 onwards in ''Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Saikyo Card Battle'', and the Decks they use. ==Chara..."
{{Master This is a listing of all generic characters available as opponents from Stage 4 onwards in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel card| rarity = R| attribute = WATER| types = Sea Serpent / Xyz / Effect| rank = 3| atk = 1600| def = 2800| lore = 3 Level 3 monsters<br />During either playerMonsters Saikyo Card Battle]]''s turn, when your opponent targets exactly 1 face-up "Mermail" monster you control for an attack, or with a Spell/Trap effect that could have targeted this card (except during the Damage Step): You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; that attack/effect now targets this card. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 "Mermail" monster in your Graveyard, except "Mermail Abysstrite"; Special Summon that targetDecks they use.
==Characters== {| fr_name class= Sirènemure Abysstrite"wikitable"| fr_lore = 3 monstres de Niveau 3-! Character! Translated name! Japanese name|-| [[File:WomanNPC2-SCB.png]]| Fusion Researcher| フュージョンリサーチャー<br />Durant le tour de chaque joueur, lorsque votre adversaire cible exactement 1 monstre "Sirènemure" face recto que vous contrôlez avec une attaque ou un effet de Magie/Piège qui aurait pu cibler cette carte (sauf durant la Damage Step) : vous pouvez détacher 1 Matériel Xyz de cette carte ; l'attaque/effet cible désormais cette carte. Lorsque cette carte est détruite et envoyée au Cimetière 'Fyūjon Risāchā''|-| [[File: vous pouvez cibler 1 monstre "Sirènemure" ("Sirènemure Abysstrite" exclu) dans votre Cimetière ; Invoquez Spécialement la cibleManNPC1-SCB.png]]| de_name = Nixenrüstung AbysstriteSynchro Researcher| de_lore = 3 Monster der Stufe 3シンクロリサーチャー<br />Während des Spielzugs eines beliebigen Spielers, wenn dein Gegner genau 1 offenes „Nixenrüstung“''Shinkuro Risāchā''|-Monster, das du kontrollierst, als Ziel für einen Angriff oder den Effekt eines Zaubers/einer Falle wählt, der diese Karte als Ziel gewählt haben könnte (außer während des Damage Steps)| [[File: Du kannst 1 Xyz-Material von dieser Karte abhängen; der Angriff/Effekt wählt jetzt diese Karte als Ziel. Wenn diese Karte zerstört und auf den Friedhof gelegt wird: Du kannst 1 „Nixenrüstung“WomanNPC1-Monster in deinem Friedhof wählen, außer „Nixenrüstung Abysstrite“; beschwöre das gewählte Ziel als SpezialbeschwörungSCB.png]]| it_name = Sirenide AbisstriteXyz Researcher| it_lore = 3 mostri di Livello 3エクシーズリサーチャー<br />Durante il turno di qualsiasi giocatore, quando il tuo avversario sceglie come bersaglio, per un attacco o con una Carta Magia/Trappola che avrebbe potuto scegliere questa carta come bersaglio, esattamente 1 mostro "Sirenide" scoperto che controlli (eccetto durante il Damage Step)''Ekushīzu Risāchā''|-| [[File: puoi staccare 1 Materiale Xyz da questa carta; quell'attacco/effetto ha ora come bersaglio questa cartaBoyNPC1-SCB. Quando questa carta viene distrutta e mandata al Cimitero: puoi scegliere come bersaglio 1 mostro png]]| Composed Elementary Student<ref group="Sirenidenote" nel tuo Cimitero, eccetto name="Sirenide AbisstriteMorning opponent"; Evoca Specialmente quel bersaglio>Only appears during the morning.</ref>| pt_name = Sirena Abistrite{{Ruby|落|お}}ち{{Ruby|着|つ}}いた{{Ruby|小学生| pt_lore = 3 monstros de Nível 3しょうがくせい}}<br />Durante o turno de qualquer duelista, quando seu oponente escolher exatamente 1 monstro "Sirena" com a face para cima que você controla como alvo de um ataque ou de um efeito de Magia/Armadilha que poderia ter escolhido este card (exceto durante a Etapa de Dano)''Ochitsuita Shōgakusei''|-| [[File: você pode desassociar 1 Matéria Xyz deste card; o ataque/efeito agora escolhem este card como alvoMaleStudentNPC1-SCB. Quando este card for destruído e enviado para o Cemitério: você pode escolher 1 monstro png]]| Quiet Student<ref group="Sirenanote" em seu Cemitério, exceto name="Sirena AbistriteSunset opponent"; Invoque o alvo por Invocação-Especial>Only appears during the sunset.</ref>| es_name = Sirenarmada Abistrite{{Ruby|無口|むくち}}な{{Ruby|学生| es_lore = 3 monstruos de Nivel 3がくせい}}<br />Durante el turno de cualquier jugador, cuando tu adversario selecciona a exactamente 1 monstruo "Sirenarmado/a" boca arriba que controles para un ataque o con un efecto de Carta Mágica/de Trampa que podría haber seleccionado a esta carta (excepto durante el Damage Step)''Mukuchina Gakusei''|-| [[File: puedes desacoplar de esta carta 1 Material Xyz; ese ataque/efecto ahora selecciona a esta cartaWomanNPC2-SCB. Cuando esta carta es destruida y mandada al Cementerio: puedes seleccionar 1 monstruo png]]| After-Hours Lady<ref group="Sirenarmado/anote" en tu Cementerio, excepto name="Sirenarmada AbistriteNight opponent"; Invoca ese objetivo de Modo Especial>Only appears at night.</ref>| ja_lore = レベル3モンスター×3アフター{{Ruby|5|ファイブ}}のお{{Ruby|姉|ねえ}}さん<br />自分フィールド上の「水精鱗」と名のついたモンスター1体が相手の魔法・罠カードの効果の対象になった時、または相手モンスターの攻撃対象になった時、このカードのエクシーズ素材を1つ取り除いて発動できる。その対象を自分フィールド上の正しい対象となるこのカードに移し替える。このカードが破壊され墓地へ送られた時、自分の墓地から「水精鱗-アビストリーテ」以外の「水精鱗」と名のついたモンスター1体を選択して特殊召喚できる。''Afutā Faibu no Onee-san''|-| [[File:ManNPC2-SCB.png]]| ko_name Man Stuck In The Past<ref group="note" name= 머메일-어비스트리테"Night opponent"></ref>| ko_lore = 레벨 3 몬스터 × 3からんでくるお{{Ruby|兄|にい}}さん<br />자신 필드 위의 "머메일"이라는 이름이 붙은 몬스터 1장이 상대의 마법 / 함정 카드 효과의 대상이 되었을 때, 또는 상대 몬스터의 공격 대상이 되었을 때, 이 카드의 엑시즈 소재를 1개 제거하고 발동할 수 있다''Karandekuru Onii-san''|-| [[File:ManNPC2-SCB. 그 대상을 자신 필드 위의 적절한 대상이 되는 이 카드에게 옮긴다. 이 카드가 파괴되어 묘지로 보내졌을 때, 자신의 묘지에서 png]]| Man Lively Even At Night<ref group="머메일-어비스트리테note" 이외의 name="머메일Night opponent"이라는 이름이 붙은 몬스터 1장을 선택하고 특수 소환할 수 있다.></ref>| tc_name = 水精鱗-邃淵里忒{{Ruby|夜|よる}}も{{Ruby|元気|げんき}}なお{{Ruby|兄| tc_lore = 等級3怪獸×3にい}}さん<br />我方場上的1隻冠有「水精鱗」的怪獸成為對方魔法・陷阱卡效果的對象時,或被對方怪獸選為攻擊對象時,可去除此卡的1個超量素材發動。將該對象轉移至我方場上的符合正確對象的此卡。此卡被破壞送至墓地時,可從我方墓地選擇1隻「水精鱗-邃淵里忒」以外的冠有「水精鱗」之名的怪獸特殊召喚。''Yoru mo Genkina Onii-san''|} ==Decks== ===Fusion Researcher=== {{Decklist| name = Gem-Knight Power MAX| ja_name = ジェムナイト{{Ruby|力|ちから}} MAX| romaji_name = Jemunaito Chikara Makkusu|monsters =* [[Gem-Armadillo]] x2* [[Gem-Knight Garnet]] x3* [[Gem-Knight Lazuli]]* [[Gem-Knight Sapphire]] x2* [[Legendary Jujitsu Master]] x2* [[Shining Angel]] x3|fusion monsters =* [[Gem-Knight Seraphinite]]* [[Gem-Knight Zirconia]] x2|xyz monsters =* [[Daigusto Emeral]]* [[Gem-Knight Pearl]]|spells =* [[Fusion Recovery]]* [[Megamorph]]* [[Oni-Gami Combo]]* [[Polymerization]] x2* [[Re-Fusion]]* [[Riryoku]]}} ===Synchro Researcher=== {{Decklist| name = Genex Elements LV2| ja_name = ジェネクス・エレメンツ LV2| sc_name romaji_name = 水精鳞-深渊里忒Jenekusu Erementsu Reberu 2| sc_lore monsters = 等级3怪兽×3<br />我方场上的1只冠有“水精鳞”之名的怪兽成为对手魔法、陷阱卡效果的对象时,或成为对手怪兽的攻击对象时,可移除此卡的1个超量素材并发动。将该对象移换至我方场上的此卡作为正确对象。此卡被破坏并送入墓地时,可从我方墓地选择1只除“水精鳞-深渊里忒”以外的冠有“水精鳞”之名的怪兽特殊召唤。* [[Aye-Iron]] x2* [[Genex Ally Duradark]]* [[Genex Controller]] x2* [[Genex Neutron]] x2* [[Genex Turbine]] x3* [[Genex Undine]]* [[Great Angus]]* [[Gyroid]] x2* [[Hunter Dragon]]* [[Needle Sunfish]] x2* [[R-Genex Ultimum]]|synchro monsters =* [[Genex Ally Triarm]]* [[Genex Ally Triforce]]* [[Hydro Genex]]|spells =* [[De-Synchro]]* [[Machina Armored Unit]]}} ===Xyz Researcher=== {{Decklist| name = Shining Constellar LV2| ja_name = シャイニングセイクリッド LV2| romaji_name = Shainingu Seikuriddo Reberu 2| ja_trans_name = Shining Sacred LV2|monsters =* [[Constellar Acubens]] x3* [[Constellar Algiedi]] x3* [[Constellar Kaus]] x2* [[Constellar Leonis]] x2* [[Constellar Rasalhague]]* [[Constellar Sheratan]] x2* [[Lightserpent]] x2|xyz monsters =* [[Constellar Hyades]] x2|spells =* [[Constellar Belt]]* [[Constellar Star Cradle]]* [[Dark World Dealings]] x2|traps =* [[Lumenize]]
===Composed Elementary Student===
| name = Burning Jurrac MAX
| ja_name = バーニングジュラック MAX
| romaji_name = Bāningu Jurakku Makkusu
|monsters =
* [[Jurrac Guaiba]] x3
* [[Jurrac Monoloph]] x2
* [[Jurrac Protops]] x2
* [[Jurrac Velo]] x3
|synchro monsters =
* [[Jurrac Giganoto]] x2
|spells =
* [[Burden of the Mighty]]
* [[Fossil Dig]] x2
* [[Night Beam]] x2
* [[Riryoku]]
* [[Solidarity]] x2
* [[Tail Swipe]]
|traps =
* [[Hunting Instinct]]
===Quiet Student===
| name = Synchronize, Allies of Justice! LV2
| ja_name = シンクロ!{{Ruby|A・O・J|アーリー・オブ・ジャスティス}} LV2
| romaji_name = Shinkuro! Ārī Obu Jasutisu Reberu 2
|monsters =
* [[Ally Mind]] x2
* [[Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher]]
* [[Ally of Justice Nullfier]]
* [[Ally of Justice Quarantine]] x2
* [[Ally of Justice Searcher]] x3
* [[Ally of Justice Unlimiter]]
|synchro monsters =
* [[Ally of Justice Light Gazer]] x2
|spells =
* [[Cost Down]]
* [[Machine Conversion Factory]]
* [[Share the Pain]]
* [[Silent Doom]] x2
* [[Summoner's Art]]
* [[Transmodify]] x2
|traps =
* [[Sakuretsu Armor]] x2
===After-Hours Lady===
| name = Rampaging Birds of the Mist Valley! MAX
| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳥獣|ちょうじゅう}}{{Ruby|乱舞|らんぶ}}! {{Ruby|霞の谷|ミスト・バレー}} MAX
| romaji_name = Chōjū Ranbu! Misuto Barē Makkusu
|monsters =
* [[Flamvell Guard]]
* [[Krebons]] x2
* [[Mist Condor]] x3
* [[Mist Valley Executor]]
* [[Mist Valley Thunderbird]] x3
* [[Mist Valley Watcher]]
|synchro monsters =
* [[Mist Wurm]] x2
|spells =
* [[Back to Square One]] x2
* [[Makiu, the Magical Mist]]
* [[Recycling Batteries]]
|traps =
* [[Judgment of Thunder]] x3
* [[Storming Mirror Force]] x2
===Man Stuck In The Past===
| name = The Three Swordsmen of the Face Cards MAX
| ja_name = {{Ruby|絵札|えふだ}}の{{Ruby|三|さん}}{{Ruby|剣士|けんし}} MAX
| romaji_name = Efuda no Sankenshi Makkusu
|monsters =
* [[Freed the Brave Wanderer]]
* [[Jack's Knight]] x2
* [[King's Knight]] x3
* [[Queen's Knight]] x2
* [[Shining Angel]] x2
|fusion monsters =
* [[Arcana Knight Joker]] x2
|spells =
* [[D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation]]
* [[Magnum Shield]] x2
* [[Polymerization]] x2
* [[Reinforcement of the Army]]
* [[The A. Forces]]
* [[The Warrior Returning Alive]]
|traps =
* [[Battleguard Howling]] x2
===Man Lively Even At Night===
| name = Tribute Steelswarm MAX
| ja_name = アドバンス・インヴェルズ MAX
| romaji_name = Adobanzu Inveruzu Makkusu
| ja_trans_name = Advance Inverz MAX
|monsters =
* [[Grave Squirmer]]
* [[Mad Archfiend]]
* [[Steelswarm Caller]] x3
* [[Steelswarm Cell]] x2
* [[Steelswarm Girastag]] x2
* [[Steelswarm Mantis]]
* [[Steelswarm Moth]]
* [[Steelswarm Sting]]
|spells =
* [[Card Advance]] x3
* [[March of the Monarchs]]
* [[Recurring Nightmare]] x2
|traps =
* [[Hate Buster]] x2
<references group="note" />

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