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{{Unofficial name|English}}{{Anime card| ja_image = UpdateWyvern-JP-Anime-GR.png| image_nc = UpdateWyvern-JP-Anime-GR-NC.png| attribute = LIGHT| types = Dragon / Normal| level = 5| atk = 1800| def Summary = 1600| lore = A winged dragon that can update its appearance at will. It records the enemy's moves and then applies the best possible update to itself.| ja_lore = 自由に姿を変えられる飛竜。敵の動きを記録し、自身に最適なアップデートを実行する。| appears_in_gr = 003, 008, 017, 030| decks = * Yuamu Ohdo* Yuhi Ohdo| archseries = High Tech Dragon}}Importing file

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