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Master Gig

1,962 bytes added, 8 months ago
Added Asian-English Raging Battle
{{Unofficial lore|English}}
| de_name = Meister Gig| fr_name = Maître de la Destruction Psy| pt_name = | ko_name = 마스터 지그| es_name = Maestro Gig| it_name = Maestro Rampone| ja_name = ゾンビ・カーニバルマスター・ジーグ| romaji_name = Zonbi KānibaruMastā Jīgu| ko_name attribute = 좀비 카니발EARTH| image = ZombieCarnivalMasterGig-RDMRP1RGBT-JPEN-C-1E.png| card_type types = SpellPsychic / Effect| property level = Field8| requirement atk = None2600| def = 1400| password = 16191953| effect_types = Ignition| lore = While this card is [[face-upOnce per turn]] in the , you can [[Field Zonepay]], face-up 1000 [[ZombieLife Points]] to [[Typedestroy]] [[Monster Card|monster]]s on the your opponent [[fieldcontrol]] gain s equal to the number of [[ATKface-up]]/[[DEFPsychic]] equal to -[[the number of face-up Zombie Type ]] monsters on the field] x 100you control.| fr_lore = Une fois par tour, vous pouvez payer 1000 Life Points pour détruire un nombre de monstres contrôlés par votre adversaire égal au nombre de monstres de Type Psychique face recto que vous contrôlez.| de_lore = Einmal pro Spielzug kannst du 1000 Life Points zahlen, um Monster, die dein Gegner kontrolliert, in Höhe der Anzahl der offenen Monster vom Typ Psi, die du kontrollierst, zu zerstören.| it_lore = Una volta per turno, puoi pagare 1000 Life Points per distruggere un numero di mostri controllati dal tuo avversario pari al numero di mostri di Tipo Psichico scoperti che controlli.| ja_requirement pt_lore = なし| ja_lore es_lore = このカードがフィールドゾーンに表側表示である限り、お互いのフィールドの表側表示モンスター(アンデット族)の攻撃力・守備力は[お互いのフィールドの表側表示モンスター(アンデット族)の数]×100アップする。Una vez por Turno puedes pagar 1000 Life Points para destruir tantos monstruos controlados por tu adversario como monstruos de Tipo Psíquico boca arriba que controles.| ko_requirement ja_lore = 없음1000ライフポイントを払って発動する。自分フィールド上に表側表示で存在するサイキック族モンスターの数だけ、相手フィールド上に存在するモンスターを破壊する。この効果は1ターンに1度しか使用できない。| ko_lore = 이 카드가 1000 라이프 포인트를 지불하고 발동한다. 자신 필드 존에 위에 앞면 표시인 한표시로 존재하는 사이킥족 몬스터의 수만큼, 서로의 필드의 앞면 표시 몬스터(언데드족)의 공격력 / 수비력은 [서로의 필드의 앞면 표시 몬스터(언데드족)의 상대 필드 위에 존재하는 몬스터를 파괴한다. 이 효과는 1 턴에 1번 밖에 사용할 ] × 100 올린다없다.| en_sets = RGBT-ENPP5; Duelist Pack Collection Tin 2009; Super RareRGBT-EN030; Raging Battle; Common| fr_sets = RGBT-FRPP5; Duelist Pack Collection Tin 2009; Super RareRGBT-FR030; Raging Battle; Common| de_sets = RGBT-DEPP5; Duelist Pack Collection Tin 2009; Super RareRGBT-DE030; Raging Battle; Common| it_sets = RGBT-ITPP5; Duelist Pack Collection Tin 2009; Super RareRGBT-IT030; Raging Battle; Common| sp_sets = RGBT-SPPP5; Duelist Pack Collection Tin 2009; Super RareRGBT-SP030; Raging Battle; Common| jp_sets = RD/MRP1RGBT-JP081JP030; Megaroad PackRaging Battle; Common| kr_sets = RD/MRP1RGBT-KR030; Raging Battle; Common| ae_sets = RGBT-KR081AE030; Megaroad PackRaging Battle; Common| supports = ZombiePsychic| stat_change m/s/t = Destroys your opponent's Monster Cards* All monsters gain ATK| life_points = Pays Life Points for cost* All monsters gain DEF| misc = Limited activations| database_id = 177078182

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