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/** This is an expanded static version of the old Animepedia's shared common css **/
	The styles defined in this stylesheet are DEPRECATED, and may be removed at
	any time, without warning, once reasonably certain that nothing important
	uses them, or that any important uses will not break unacceptably without
	them. Note in particular that userspace uses WILL NOT be actively updated.
	Please DO NOT use these styles anywhere they aren't already used (and
	consider updating existing uses, too, if you know what to replace them with).
/* Universal box styles. -Dantman */
.box.message {
	width: 90%;
	margin: 0 auto 10px auto;
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.box.block { clear: both; }
.box.block {
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.box.nav {
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.box.table > tbody > tr > td, .box.table > tbody > tr > th {
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.box.table > tbody > tr > th.mainheader {
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.box.infobox {
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.box.infobox.float-right-clear { margin: 5px 0 5px 5px; } caption,
.box.infobox caption {
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	margin-left: inherit;
} td,
.box.infobox td {
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} th,
.box.infobox th {
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	padding: 2px;
} .mainheader,
.box.infobox .mainheader {
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	font-size: 100%;
} .lightheader,
.box.infobox .lightheader { font-weight: normal; }
.title { display: block; } .imagecell,
.box.infobox .imagecell { text-align: center; } .imagecell, .imagecell a, .imagecell p, .imagecell img, .clearcell, p,
.box.infobox .imagecell,
.box.infobox .imagecell a,
.box.infobox .imagecell p,
.box.infobox .imagecell img,
.box.infobox .clearcell,
.box.infobox p { margin: 0; padding: 0; } table,
.box.infobox table {
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} .imagecell .thumb,
.box.infobox .imagecell .thumb {
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} .imagecell .thumb .thumbinner,
.box.infobox .imagecell .thumb .thumbinner {
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    padding: 0 !important;
/* Needed base attributes */
.box.bordered { border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; }
.box.innerbordered > tbody > tr > td,
.box.innerbordered > tbody > tr > th { border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; }
 /***** Style Classes *****/
  * Style: ''default''
  * Border color: 000
  * Head border color: 000
  * Inner border color: 000
  * Cell background color: FFF
  * Header background color: FFF
  * Main header background color: 
  * Header link color: N/I
 .box.bordered { border-color: #000; }
 .box.innerbordered > tbody > tr > td,
 .box.innerbordered > tbody > tr > th { border-color: #000; }
 .box.colored td,
 .box.colored th { background: #FFF; }
 .box.colored > tbody > tr > th { background: #FFF; }
  * Style: animanga
  * Border color: AAE
  * Head border color: 
  * Inner border color: AAE
  * Cell background color: F9F9FF
  * Header background color: E6E9FF
  * Main header background color: CCF
  * Header link color: N/I
 .box.bordered.type-animanga { border-color: #AAE; }
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 .box.colored.type-animanga > tbody > tr > th { background: #E6E9FF; }
 .box.colored.type-animanga > tbody > tr > .mainheader { background: #CCF; }
  * Style: character
  * Border color: E0E0E0
  * Head border color: 
  * Inner border color: AAA
  * Cell background color: F2F2F2
  * Header background color: E5E5E5
  * Main header background color: C5C5C5
  * Header link color: N/I
 .box.bordered.type-character { border-color: #E0E0E0; }
 .box.innerbordered.type-character > tbody > tr > td,
 .box.innerbordered.type-character > tbody > tr > th { border-color: #AAA; }
 .box.colored.type-character td,
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 .box.colored.type-character > tbody > tr > th { background: #E5E5E5; }
 .box.colored.type-character > tbody > tr > .mainheader { background: #C5C5C5; }
/***** Scheme Classes *****/
/* Float/clear classes */
.float-right { float: right; }
.float-right-clear { float: right; clear: right; }