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 * Adds a link to the user contributions, at the top of the page.
 * @author Becasita
 * @contact [[User talk:Becasita]]
( function _gadgetTopContributionsLink( $, mw, console ) {
	"use strict";

	var LAST_LOG = '02:00, 24 August 2018 (UTC)';

	var TopContributionsLink = {
		config: mw.config.get( [
		] ),

		getButton: function() {
			return $( '#t-contributions' ).clone()
				.attr( 'id', 'ca-contribs' )
				.find( 'a' )
					.wrap( '<span>' )
					.text( 'Contributions' )

		newButton: function() {
			return $( '<li>', {
				id: 'ca-contribs',
				'class': 'collapsible',
				html: $( '<span>', {
					html: $( '<a>', {
						href: mw.util.getUrl(
							'Special:Contributions/' + TopContributionsLink.config.wgTitle.split( /\// )[ 0 ]
						title: 'A list of contributions by this user',
						text: 'Contributions'
					} )
				} )
			} );

		init: function() {
			if ( ~[ 2, 3 ].indexOf( TopContributionsLink.config.wgNamespaceNumber ) ) {
				mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.util' ).then( function() {
					$( '#left-navigation' )
						.find( '#p-namespaces' )
							.children( 'ul' )
									TopContributionsLink[ $( '#t-contributions' ).length
										? 'getButton'
										: 'newButton'
				} );

	$( TopContributionsLink.init );

	console.log( '[Gadget] TopContributionsLink last updated at', LAST_LOG );

} )( window.jQuery, window.mediaWiki, window.console );