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/* Remove double purge button. */
    if ($('[id="ca-purge"]').length > 1)
}, 800);

/* Add button to [[Special:WikiActivity]] to the sidebar. */
$('#p-Yu-Gi-Oh\\.21_Wikia .pBody ul').append(
    $('<li>', {
        id: 'n-Activity',
        html: $('<a>', {
            href: '/wiki/Special:WikiActivity?useskin=wikia',
            rel: 'nofollow',
            text: 'Wiki Activity'

/* Add "Browse" button to the page header menu. */
$('#p-cactions .pBody ul').append(
    $('<li>', {
        id: 'ca-browse',
        html: $('<a>', {
            href: '/wiki/Special:Browse/' + wgPageName,
            title: 'Browse this page',
            accesskey: 'b',
            text: 'Browse'