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324 bytes added, 1 month ago
Leichter seems to be loyal, as he helped raise Seto Kaiba and always performed his appropriate duties as Kaiba's right-hand man. Although he may have only done this in the hope to gain more power. Leichter is more virtuous than the other Big Five members, as he was morally opposed to Seto Kaiba's deceitful schemes, while the other members often engaged in similar behaviour. Despite this, he says he doesn't believe in playing fair, when he went back on his word to return Tristan's body. He is also very polite. As the most skilled duelist of The Big Five he can be somewhat arrogant, mainly seen from the Japanese Dub in his duel against Yugi & Joey. Thanks to his Deck Master Jinzo preventing the use of his opponent's Trap Cards, Lector proclaimed if his group had let him handle everything from the start he would have already won.
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