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1 byte added, 12 years ago
Competitively Dragunities have not gotten far this format (Sept 2011). There are a few reasons. The first is that without their Field Spell, they are very difficult to win with. "Mystical Space Typhoon" can be chained to "Dragon Ravine's" effect, which means the player with "Dragon Ravine" will be required to pay the cost and "Dragon Ravine's" effect will not resolve. "[[D.D. Crow]]" and "[[Chain Disappearance]]" are used to Banish "[[Dragunity Phalanx]]" and "[[Dragunity Aklys]]". "[[Macro Cosmos]]" and "[[Dimensional Fissure]]" also murder the deck. "[[Maxx "C"]]", while not actually stopping anything, means that if you proceed to Synchro Summon, your opponent will draw a ton of cards. "[[Effect Veiler]]", on the other hand, stops the Synchro Summons from the beginning by leaving you with a weaker monster.
However, "Dragunity" Decks also have ways of dealing with these cards. "[[Debunk]]" (which is even a passable Main Deck card in this format due to the common use of "[[Maxx "C"]], "[[Gorz the Emissary of Darkness]]", and "[[Effect Veiler]]") stops the aforementioned cards, while "[[Imperial Iron Wall]]" stops "[[D.D. Crow]]" and "[[Chain DissappearanceDisappearance]]"-the downside is that it stops "[[Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]" and "[[Orient Dragon]]". An alternative is "[[Chaos Hunter]]", although it's more risky. "[[Malefic Stardust Dragon]]" and "[[Field Barrier]]" both protect "[[Dragon Ravine]]" from destruction.
[[Category:Deck Type]]
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