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Andrew Green

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{{Infobox character
| image = | width = | ja_name = | romaji_name = Andrew-TFSP.png
| en_name = Andrew Green
| ja_name = {{Ruby|黒門|くろかど}} {{Ruby|暗次|あんじ}}
| romaji_name = Kurokado Anji
| ja_trans_name = Anji Kurokado
| gender = Male
| tfsp_deck =
'''Andrew Green''', known as '''Anshi KurokatoAnji Kurokado''' in the Japanese version, is a character appearing in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL World Duel Carnival]]'' and ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special]]''. ==Profiles== ===World Duel Carnival=== [[File:Andrew-WDC.png|thumb|left]] <blockquote>ハートランド{{Ruby|学園|がくえん}}に{{Ruby|通|かよ}}う{{Ruby|男子|だんし}}{{Ruby|生徒|せいと}}。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|粗暴|そぼう}}な{{Ruby|性格|せいかく}}で{{Ruby|学園|がくえん}}{{Ruby|内|ない}}では{{Ruby|危険|きけん}}{{Ruby|人物|じんぶつ}}として{{Ruby|避|さ}}けられており、{{Ruby|友人|ゆうじん}}はほとんどいない。<br/>{{Ruby|不良|ふりょう}}デュエリストチーム「デビルズ・ゲート」のリーダーをしている。<br/><br/>リーダーと{{Ruby|言|い}}っても{{Ruby|他|ほか}}のメンバーによって{{Ruby|祭|まつ}}り{{Ruby|上|あ}}げられているだけであり、{{Ruby|本人|ほんにん}}にそのような{{Ruby|意識|いしき}}はなく、チームメンバーに{{Ruby|対|たい}}しても{{Ruby|強|つよ}}いデュエリストを{{Ruby|捜|さが}}してきてくれる{{Ruby|便利|べんり}}な{{Ruby|連中|れんちゅう}}{{Ruby|程度|ていど}}にしか{{Ruby|思|おも}}っていない。<br/>{{Ruby|大人|おとな}}とも{{Ruby|対等|たいとう}}に{{Ruby|渡|わた}}り{{Ruby|合|あ}}える{{Ruby|唯一|ゆいいつ}}の{{Ruby|手段|しゅだん}}であり、{{Ruby|誰|だれ}}が{{Ruby|相手|あいて}}であろうと{{Ruby|臆|おく}}さず{{Ruby|勝負|しょうぶ}}を{{Ruby|挑|いど}}む。<br/>その{{Ruby|為|ため}}、デュエルで{{Ruby|負|ま}}けた{{Ruby|仲間|なかま}}の{{Ruby|敵討|かたきう}}ちや、{{Ruby|他|ほか}}のチームとの{{Ruby|縄張|なわば}}り{{Ruby|争|あらそ}}いには{{Ruby|積極的|せっきょくてき}}に{{Ruby|加勢|かせい}}するので、チームメンバーからの{{Ruby|信頼|しんらい}}は{{Ruby|意外|いがい}}に{{Ruby|厚|あつ}}い。<br/><br/>ただ、チーム{{Ruby|名|めい}}と{{Ruby|共|とも}}に{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}の{{Ruby|悪|あく}}{{Ruby|名|みょう}}も{{Ruby|広|ひろ}}がってしまい、{{Ruby|普通|ふつう}}にデュエルをしてくれる{{Ruby|相手|あいて}}はいなくなってしまった。</blockquote> <blockquote>A student attending Heartland Academy.<br/><br/>Considered dangerous at school due to his rough disposition, he is largely avoided, and pretty much has no friends.<br/>Leader of the delinquent duelist team Devil's Gate.<br/><br/>The other members of the team named him their leader, but he does not sees himself as such, and considers his teammates as little more than useful people that might be looking for strong opponents.<br/>Sees dueling as the only way to face adults on even ground, and approaches all challenges and opponents with no hesitation.<br/>Because of this, he engages in turf wars against other teams, and is quick to chase and take down anyone who defeats any of his teammates, so the team is unexpectedly loyal to him in return.<br/><br/>However, between his team's growing fame and his own bad reputation, there are very few people out there willing to have normal duels with him nowadays.</blockquote> ===Tag Force Special=== <blockquote>{{Ruby|舞網|まいあみ}}{{Ruby|第二中学|だいにちゅうがく}}に{{Ruby|通|かよ}}う{{Ruby|男子|だんし}}{{Ruby|生徒|せいと}}。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|粗暴|そぼう}}な{{Ruby|性格|せいかく}}で{{Ruby|学内|がくない}}では{{Ruby|危険|きけん}}{{Ruby|人物|じんぶつ}}として{{Ruby|避|さ}}けられており、{{Ruby|友人|ゆうじん}}はほとんどいない。<br/>デュエルより{{Ruby|先|さき}}に{{Ruby|手|て}}が{{Ruby|出|で}}るタイプだが、{{Ruby|相手|あいて}}がデュエリストだと{{Ruby|分|わ}}かれば{{Ruby|正々堂々|せいせいどうどう}}とデュエルで{{Ruby|決着|けっちゃく}}をつけようとする。<br/>{{Ruby|不良|ふりょう}}デュエリストたちとの{{Ruby|関係|かんけい}}も{{Ruby|噂|うわさ}}されているが、{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}を{{Ruby|怖|こわ}}がってか{{Ruby|誰|だれ}}も{{Ruby|真相|しんそう}}を{{Ruby|聞|き}}こうとはしなかった。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|彼|かれ}}にとってのデュエルは{{Ruby|自己|じこ}}を{{Ruby|顕示|けんじ}}する{{Ruby|場|ば}}で、{{Ruby|大人|おとな}}とも{{Ruby|対等|たいとう}}に{{Ruby|渡|わた}}り{{Ruby|合|あ}}える{{Ruby|唯一|ゆいいつ}}の{{Ruby|手段|しゅだん}}であり、{{Ruby|誰|だれ}}が{{Ruby|相手|あいて}}であろうとも{{Ruby|臆|おく}}さず{{Ruby|勝負|しょうぶ}}を{{Ruby|挑|いど}}む。<br/>とにかく{{Ruby|強|つよ}}い{{Ruby|相手|あいて}}とデュエルをするのが{{Ruby|好|す}}きで、{{Ruby|実力|じつりょく}}を{{Ruby|認|みと}}めた{{Ruby|相手|あいて}}には{{Ruby|敬意|けいい}}を{{Ruby|表|あらわ}}すことも。<br/>ただ、{{Ruby|生来|せいらい}}の{{Ruby|口|くち}}の{{Ruby|悪|わる}}さが{{Ruby|災|わざわ}}いして、それが{{Ruby|相手|あいて}}にうまく{{Ruby|伝|つた}}わることは{{Ruby|滅多|めった}}にない。</blockquote> <blockquote>A student attending Maiami City's Second Middle School.<br/><br/>Considered dangerous at school due to his rough disposition, he is largely avoided, and pretty much has no friends.<br/>He is more likely to get physical than he is to ask someone to duel him, but if he knows the other person is a duelist, he will be willing to settle matters fairly by dueling.<br/>Rumor has it that he used to be involved with delinquent duelists in the past, but people seem to be far too afraid of him for this be possible to confirm.<br/><br/>For him, dueling is a way for people to express themselves, and it is his only way to face adults on even ground, so he approaches all challenges and opponents with no hesitation.<br/>He does like dueling strong opponents, and might show respect to anyone who is skilled enough.<br/>This is not communicated very well most of the time though, as he has always been rather foul-mouthed.</blockquote> 
 === World Duel Carnival=== * This Deck is used as an opponent in Story Mode in the lower difficulty settings. {{Decklist|name = Repeating Terror| ja_name = {{Ruby|繰|く}}り{{Ruby|返|かえ}}される{{Ruby|恐怖|きょうふ}}| romaji_name = Kurikaesaeru Kyōfu| level = 4| normal monsters =* [[Archfiend Mirror]] x2* [[Dark King of the Abyss]] x2* [[Midnight Fiend]] x2* [[Ryu-Kishin]] x2* [[Zure, Knight of Dark World]]| effect monsters =* [[Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World]]* [[Broww, Huntsman of Dark World]]* [[Ceruli, Guru of Dark World]]* [[Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World]]* [[Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World]]* [[Gren, Tactician of Dark World]]* [[Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World]]* [[Latinum, Exarch of Dark World]] x2* [[Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World]] x2* [[Scarr, Scout of Dark World]]* [[Trance Archfiend]]| spells =* [[Allure of Darkness]]* [[Dark World Lightning]]* [[Gateway to Dark World]]* [[Pot of Duality]] x2* [[Soul Absorption]] x3* [[Tornado]] x2| traps =* [[Dark Deal]]* [[Dark Scheme]]* [[Defenders Intersect]] x2* [[Flashbang]] x2* [[The Forces of Darkness]] x2}} * This Deck is used as an opponent in Story Mode in the highest difficulty setting. {{Decklist| name = Eternally Repeating Terror| ja_name = {{Ruby|永遠|えいえん}}に{{Ruby|繰|く}}り{{Ruby|返|かえ}}される{{Ruby|恐怖|きょうふ}}| romaji_name = Eien ni Kurikaesaeru Kyōfu| level = 7|effect monsters =* [[Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World]] x2* [[Broww, Huntsman of Dark World]] x3* [[Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World]] x3* [[Phantom of Chaos]] x2* [[Sky Scourge Norleras]]* [[Snoww, Unlight of Dark World]] x3* [[Tour Guide From the Underworld]] x2* [[Trance Archfiend]] x2|spells =* [[Allure of Darkness]]* [[Book of Moon]]* [[Card Destruction]]* [[Dark Hole]]* [[Dark World Dealings]] x3* [[Dragged Down into the Grave]] x2* [[Heavy Storm]]* [[Monster Reborn]]* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x3* [[The Gates of Dark World]] x3* [[Trade-In]]|traps =* [[Dark Smog]] x2* [[Eradicator Epidemic Virus]] x2}} * These Decks are used in Free Duel Mode. {{Decklist| name = Eternally Repeating Terror| ja_name = {{Ruby|永遠|えいえん}}に{{Ruby|繰|く}}り{{Ruby|返|かえ}}される{{Ruby|恐怖|きょうふ}}| romaji_name = Eien ni Kurikaesaeru Kyōfu| level = 7|effect monsters =* [[Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World]] x2* [[Broww, Huntsman of Dark World]] x3* [[Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World]] x3* [[Phantom of Chaos]] x2* [[Sky Scourge Norleras]]* [[Snoww, Unlight of Dark World]] x3* [[Tour Guide From the Underworld]] x2* [[Trance Archfiend]] x2|spells =* [[Allure of Darkness]]* [[Book of Moon]]* [[Card Destruction]]* [[Dark Hole]]* [[Dark World Dealings]] x3* [[Dragged Down into the Grave]] x2* [[Heavy Storm]]* [[Monster Reborn]]* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x3* [[The Gates of Dark World]] x3* [[Trade-In]]|traps =* [[Dark Smog]] x2* [[Eradicator Epidemic Virus]] x2}} {{Decklist| name = The Core Hidden Inside Me (| ja_name = {{Ruby|俺|おれ}}の{{Ruby|中|なか}}に{{Ruby|俺の中に潜むコア潜|ひそ}}, "むコア| romaji_name = Ore no Naka ni Hisomu Koa ") ★6| level = 6|effect monsters=
* [[Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear]] x2
* [[Cardcar D]] x2
* [[Summoner Monk]] x2
* [[Tour Guide From the Underworld]] x2
|xyz monsters =* [[Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King]] x2* [[Diamond Dire Wolf]]* [[Fairy King Albverdich]]* [[Gagaga Cowboy]]* [[Gem-Knight Pearl]]* [[M-X-Saber Invoker]] x2* [[Maestroke the Symphony Djinn]]* [[Number 50: Blackship of Corn]]|spells=
* [[Core Transport Unit]] x2
* [[Fire Formation - Tenki]] x2
* [[My Body as a Shield]]
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Fire Formation - Tenken]]
* [[Fire Formation - Tensen]]
* [[Solemn Warning]]
* [[Torrential Tribute]] x2
|xyz monsters=
* [[Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King]] x2
* [[Diamond Dire Wolf]]
* [[Fairy King Albverdich]]
* [[Gagaga Cowboy]]
* [[Gem-Knight Pearl]]
* [[Maestroke the Symphony Djinn]]
* [[M-X-Saber Invoker]] x2
* [[Number 50: Blackship of Corn]]
===Tag Force Special=== {{Decklist| name = Eye Glint of the Black Beast| ja_name = 黒き魔獣の眼光|The Eternally Repeating Terror ({{Rubyromaji_name = Kuroki Majū no Gankō|永遠に繰り返さえる恐怖}}, "Eien ni Kuri Kaesareru Kyoufu") ★7level = 3|effect monsters=* [[Beiige, Vanguard of Dark WorldThe Fabled Ganashia]] x2x3* [[Broww, Huntsman of Dark WorldThe Fabled Kokkator]] x3* [[Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark WorldThe Fabled Nozoochee]] x3|tuner monsters =* [[Phantom of ChaosThe Fabled Catsith]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]] x2)* [[Sky Scourge NorlerasThe Fabled Cerburrel]]x3* [[Snoww, Unlight of Dark WorldThe Fabled Chawa]] x3* [[Tour Guide From the UnderworldThe Fabled Peggulsus]] x2x3* [[Trance ArchfiendThe Fabled Rubyruda]] x2x3|spellssynchro monsters =* [[Allure of DarknessThe Fabled Kudabbi]] x2* [[The Fabled Unicore]]x2|spells =
* [[Book of Moon]]
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Pot of Avarice]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|traps =
* [[Compulsory Evacuation Device]]
* [[Dust Tornado]]
* [[Jar of Greed]] x2
* [[Legacy of Yata-Garasu]] x2
* [[Raigeki Break]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Sakuretsu Armor]] x2
* [[Trap Hole]] x2
| name = Whispering Roaring Demons
| ja_name = 悪魔が轟けと囁いている
| romaji_name = Akuma ga Todoroke to Sasayaiteiru
| level = 6
|effect monsters =
* [[Chaos Hunter]]
* [[Fabled Grimro]] x3
* [[Fabled Krus]] x3
* [[Honest]] x2
* [[Maxx "C"]]
* [[The Fabled Ganashia]] x3
* [[Thunder King Rai-Oh]] x2
* [[Tour Guide from the Underworld]] x3
|tuner monsters =
* [[Fabled Kushano]] x3
* [[Fabled Raven]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[The Fabled Cerburrel]] x2
|synchro monsters =
* [[Ally of Justice Catastor]]
* [[Dark End Dragon]]
* [[Fabled Ragin]] x2
* [[Fabled Valkyrus]]
* [[Mist Wurm]]
* [[Scrap Archfiend]]
* [[Scrap Dragon]]
* [[Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
|xyz monsters =
* [[Leviair the Sea Dragon]]
* [[Muzurhythm the String Djinn]]
* [[Temtempo the Percussion Djinn]]
* [[Wind-Up Zenmaines]] x2
|spells =
* [[Card Destruction]]
* [[Dark Hole]]
* [[Dark World Dealings]] x3
* [[Dragged Down into the Grave]] x2
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Monster Reborn]]
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2* [[Night Beam]]* [[Pot of Avarice]]|traps =* [[Bottomless Trap Hole]] x2* [[Compulsory Evacuation Device]]* [[Dimensional Prison]]* [[Mirror Force]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Solemn Warning]]* [[Torrential Tribute]]}} {{Decklist| name = A Man Tainted by Darkness| ja_name = 男は暗黒に染まれ| romaji_name = Otoko wa Ankoku ni Somare| level = 8|effect monsters =* [[Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning]]* [[Broww, Huntsman of Dark World]] x2* [[Chaos Hunter]]* [[Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World]] x2* [[Fabled Krus]]* [[Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World]]* [[Maxx "C"]]* [[Morphing Jar]]* [[Sillva, Warlord of Dark World]]* [[Snoww, Unlight of Dark World]] x3* [[The Fabled Ganashia]] x2|tuner monsters =* [[Fabled Kushano]]* [[Fabled Raven]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[The Fabled Cerburrel]] x2|synchro monsters =* [[Ally of Justice Catastor]]* [[Black Rose Dragon]]* [[Dark End Dragon]]* [[Fabled Leviathan]] x2* [[Fabled Ragin]] x2* [[Fabled Valkyrus]] x2* [[Mist Wurm]]* [[Scrap Dragon]]* [[Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]|spells =* [[Card Destruction]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Dark World Dealings]]* [[Dark World Lightning]] x2* [[Gateway to Dark World]]* [[Monster Reborn]]* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[The Gates of Dark World]] x3
|traps =* [[Trade-InBottomless Trap Hole]]x2|traps=* [[Compulsory Evacuation Device]] x2* [[Dark SmogDimensional Prison]] x2* [[Deck Devastation VirusSolemn Warning]] x2
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