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Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters - Episode 005

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{{Infobox/Yu-Gi-Oh!/Episodeepisode | series = Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters | image name = Capmon005.png | image size = | image caption = | english en_name = Eye of the Storm | kanji = | romanji number = | japanese translated = | episode number = 5 | japanese air date = | english air date = | japanese opening = | japanese ending = | english opening en_air_date = [[Yu-Gi-Oh! theme]]October 7, 2006 | english ending en_theme = [[Yu-Gi-Oh! theme]]Theme
This "'''Eye of the Storm'''" is the 5th fifth episode of the miniseries ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster SeriesMonsters]]''.
(Episode starts with a blinding light fading to reveal Yugi)
As Yugi opens his eyes, the camera pans around to show a desert setting. Joey wonders as to what they're going to do next, Tea saying how standing around won't help, Tristan agreeing. Yugi thinks back to the riddle, wondering what it meant about the 5 tests. Solomon collapses to his knees, but saying says he'll be fine. Tea uses [[Happy Lover]]'s healing ability "Heart Beam" to help Solomon feel better, though he still feels like he's too old. A flashback occurs, showing the battle between [[Summoned Skull]] and [[The Rock Spirit]]. Tea suggests they find somewhere to rest, and Tristan makes a sarcastic remark. Joey agrees with Tea, running off to find some shade or an oasis, only to slide unexpectedly down a dune. After the others rush to find him, Joey notices a bunch of tents on the horizon.
(Scene change to the tents)
A vision of a masked figure on a bright background appears to him, telling him that his armor is the key to getting to the eye by merging with his most trusted creature. Summoning forth [[Dark Magician]] again, Yugi activates the armor, fusing with [[Dark Magician]] to become the Dark Warrior. Spreading his newly acquired armor-wings, he surges forward, flying directly at the tornado at the center of the storm. As he does, he's attacked by a mass of [[Medusa Worm]]s, defeating them all very quickly. Enveloping himself in a purple aura of dark magic, he flies forward again, piercing through the tornado to reach the calm. Inside he finds a red-robed witch known as [[Mystical Sand]]. Yami flies up to attack her as she calls forth demons from the wind itself to attack him, only to have them overpowered as he attacks each one on his way up. Finding that not to work, she summons forth a massive hand of dust and air, using it to grab hold of Yami. A moment passes before he breaks loose and continues his ascent. Upon reaching her, he blasts her with his staff, destroying her and dissipating the storm.
The storm gone, Solomon walks over to the rest of the gang who are recovering from the petrifying sludge from the [[Medusa Worm]]s. Tea wonders where Yugi is, Joey calling for him just before spotting him on the top of a dune, still in the fused [[Dark Magician form]]form. After a bit of conversation about Yami's vision of the masked man, the fusion wears off, returning Yami back to his old armor. As he collapses from exhaustion. , Tea holds him in her arms asking if he's alright? Yami switches back with Yugi. Solomon thinks that it wasn't just the battle, but activating the duel armor that has sapped Yugi's energy.
Tristan wonders where the village went but Tea notices a small shrine with some awfully familiar looking statues in it. They're of the little girl and the elder from the village. As Tea wonders about it all, a jewel in her pendant changes color from purple to a blood-red. A blast of sand shoots up beside them, revealing another door. Realizing this must be the way to the second trial, and that the pendant changed color because they completed the first trial, they walk into the portal of light. Joey wonders if someone who invented this game has a thing for walking into bright light. Tristan says he has to amitadmit, it's very is dramatic.
== Trivia ==
* This is the first episode in which a Duelist uses the Duel Armor merge.
** It appears to greatly strain the wearer if they're not accustomed to it.
* As Grandpa keeps out of the fight, it means Summoned Skull was his only monster.
{{Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters episodes}}

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