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142 bytes removed, 8 years ago
Chinese name is in the infobox
'''Spellcaster''' (Japanese: {{Ruby|魔|ま}}{{Ruby|法|ほう}}{{Ruby|使|つか}}い ''Mahōtsukai'' "Magician"; Chinese: 魔法師 ''Mófǎshī / Mo1 faat3 si1'', formerly 魔法 ''Mófǎ'' "Magic" on the old Chinese-printed Japanese [[Dark Magician]]), is a [[Type]] consisting of beings that control magic, such as witches, wizards, and mages. The majority of these creatures contain effects and can be very versatile Monsters, used often with support of [[Spell Card]]s. Out of all types, Spellcasters are the most present on the current [[Forbidden]] and [[Limited]] lists.
A high proportion of Spellcaster monsters are either [[LIGHT]] or [[DARK]] and are the most prolific users of [[Spell Counter]]s.

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