Card Rulings:Jurrac Ptera

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OCG Rulings

  • "Jurak Ptiera" has one effect which both returns the attacking monster to the hand and raises its DEF.[1]
  • When "Jurak Ptiera" has its DEF increased by its own effect, the increase lasts as long as "Jurak Ptiera" remains face-up on the field. The increase will disappear if "Jurak Ptiera" is removed from the field or flipped face-down.[2]
  • If "Jurak Ptiera" is attacked and destroyed by battle, then its effect still activates. At resolution, the attacking monster is still returned to the hand, but the DEF-increasing part of the effect is not applied.[3]


  1. Konami FAQ: Effect Monster > Jurak Ptiera
  2. Konami FAQ: The DEF increase by the effect of "Jurak Ptiera" is applied for how long?
  3. Konami FAQ: When "Jurak Ptiera" is destroyed by battle, is the attacking monster still returned to the hand and is the DEF still increased?