Forum:Ancient Fairy Deck

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Ya see, I'm thinking about making a deck for my girlfriend, and she's into that kind of fairy-ish monsters and dragons (altought she also loves Machines an awful lot). Somehow I thought about a deck made of her fave cards (she doesn't really mind winning or losing, she's not THAT into the game) but also wanted a deck that doesn't suck. So, any suggestions about how could I use these cards together?

  • Ancient Fairy Dragon (I know it's not released yet, but doubt I'd get this deck done earlier than its release)
  • Fairy Dragon (no mocks about this. I know this card is useless, but still wonder if it can have a use [if any])
  • Watapon
  • Hanewata
  • Toons from Pegasus starter deck (I doubt I'll end putting these up in the end. They don't seem to fit these at all).
  • Lycanthrope (and Synthesis Spell)

Just please if we could avoid any mocking comment (you know what kind of comments I talk about) feel free to critizise tho. Also, this deck must not have all of the mentioned cards, just mentioned them IF there was some way to put them together.

(I'm still sure I'll get a lot of bad feedback about this. But, oh well.) Doczo 00:27, 24 March 2009 (UTC)

Personally, I'd focus solely on Ancient Fairy Dragon. That card looks like it could be pretty awesome. So, what I'd do, solely focusing on Ancient Fairy Dragon, is either use the free summons as Synchro Summon material or Tribute material. I'll go for tribute material; so, how about a deck that can use Ancient Fairy Dragon to get out a different Monarch each and every turn? Then, when you're done getting Monarchs, attack with everything for game?
Obvious picks for Monarchs? Kuraz. He can balance out the fact that you'll probably be using two cards in hand each turn. Plus, his thing about not being able to attack the turn he's summoned is a non-issue - you can't attack the same turn that you use AFD's effect. I'd put 3 in. Meanwhile, for more removal I'd choose Caius and Mobius.
For spells and traps, I'd put in Dark Coffin and Statue of the Wicked. These look like they'd work really well with Kuraz; Dark Coffin can cause a destruction or discard effect, and Statue of the Wicked provides more tribute fodder. You'd get the draw too with Kuraz, so it's really good. This effect works with Mobius, too, except with no draw.
Now, we need tuning material. I think Hanewata just won't cut it - however, I know what will. Debris Dragon. It will allow you to special summon a monster from the graveyard to tune to itself; however, the Synchro Monster must be a Dragon, and it can't be level 8. Ancient Fairy Dragon fulfills both of these requirements. As for a level three monster, how about Beast of the Pharaoh? It'll special summon any Zombie (including itself) from the graveyard after it's been used for a Synchro Summon, so you'll have additional board presence.
Finally, just for the heck of it, how about 3 copies of Fairy Dragon. It's compatible with Ancient Fairy Dragon's effect. I'm all out of ideas, so bye! Runer5h 20:20, 26 March 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Hmm, using Summons from Ancient Fairy's effect as Tribute Fodder. That's something I didn't think about. Don't like the idea of Monarchs tho (hate how every duelist overuses them these days), but if I have no other alternative, Kuraz will be in. The whole synhchro summoning strategy looks pretty intelligent as well. other alternative I was thinking of was, besides Ancient Fairy, making it a Normal Monster supportive Deck (ya know, for putting a Lycanthrope and a Cu Chualinn and Advanced Summon Ritual). Will think about scrapping it tho. Either I support Ancient Fairy or support the Normal Monsters and the Rituals (I could still make two separate decks anyway). For now, I'll consider your Deck Bulding more than any. Thanks! Doczo 21:23, 28 March 2009 (UTC)

So this deck is focusing on fairyies. Ancient Fairy Dragon's effect is related to field spells so throw in 3 sanctuary in the sky and 3 luminous spark.

Eh. Personally, in my build of this deck I wouldn't put in The Sanctuary in the Sky. Have you noticed I haven't actually suggested any fairies? Luminous Spark seems like a good idea, powering up Kuraz and the Dragon itself. And, in the interest of more light, how about Cyber Dragon for some early aggression? Runer5h 02:09, 27 March 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Luminous Spark? Sounds a bit risky to sacrifice a Field Spell card you can use just to get 1000 more LP and use it again. Not only it does nothing but make you regain life, but also gets ridd of one copy of the Field. If you get rid of the other 3 this way (or the opponent does), you'd be left with no Luminous Spark to power up your monsters. Unless you searched this Field by destroying one of the opponent's (not all duelists use Fields, however). Also, wouldn't the Field make Ancient Fairy more vulnerable? It'd Rise it's ATK up to 2500, yes, but it's DEF lowers to 2600, in contrast to the huge 3000 DEF it has of deffensive power. Doczo 21:27, 28 March 2009 (UTC)

Touché. That makes sense, as I can't think of anything besides Colossal Fighter that could power over 3000 DEF. However, I can't think of any other good Field Cards.
By the way, as long as we're using Japanese cards, some copies of Strong Wind Dragon don't seem half-bad. Tribute a Dragon for them, and they'll gain ATK equal to half the tributed monster's. In Fairy Dragon's case that's a 2950 ATK monster. Personally, with Strong Wind Dragon in mind I'd replace Fairy Dragon with Luster Dragon, which would boost the Wind Dragon to 3350 ATK. Oh, did I mention it pierces? Runer5h 21:48, 28 March 2009 (UTC)Runer5h
Of course!! If this card makes it to be turned into a real one (which I do not doubt), that'll mean the problem of trashing out Field Speels woul d no longer be a worry!

well in that case throw in Light End Dragon too.

Personally, I'd rather not. Debris Dragon and Fairy Dragon would give you Light End Dragon, except that Debris Dragon can't tune for level 8 synchros. Which kinda sucks. Runer5h 21:48, 28 March 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

I think it's one of those decks that's either gonna work really well, or be a total disaster- I mean, you can only try, right? Tbh, I'd think the best use of ancient fairy dragon would be in a fairy synchro deck, which work pretty well (owining one myself). I know she's not into fairies too much, but have you tried looking at the amazon monsters? they're pretty cool and girly. :)