Card Tips:XX-Saber Gottoms

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  • Rather than Synchro Summoning this card before starting the Battle Phase, use Urgent Tuning to synchro summon XX-Saber Gottoms after all of your X-Saber monsters have attacked to deal more damage.
  • In a deck that uses several X-Sabers, you can use Gottoms' Emergency Call plus a Normal Summon to quickly get the Monsters needed to Synchro Summon this card.
  • DNA Transplant can help boost your chances of summoning this card quicker by changing the attributes of all face-up monsters on the field to EARTH.
  • A quick way of bringing this card out is by first using Rescue Cat to Special Summon 2 X-Saber Airbellum. Since there are 2 "X-Saber" monsters out,you can now Special Summon XX-Saber Faultroll. You can now choose to either Special Summon a Level 4 X-Saber and than Tune 1 Airbellum with Faultroll or directly Synchro Summon this card. If your opponent has a clear field or, at the very least, presents no major threat, then attack with your remaining 2 monsters (3 if you've used Faultroll's effect).Then, you can use Gottoms' effect to Tribute your remaining X-Saber monsters (or just Airbellum, since it'll be destroyed anyway) to discard 1 or 2 of your opponent's cards.
  • This card can surprising work well in a Fortune Lady deck; while having a Fortune Lady Light on the field, summon Mist Valley Shaman, send Light back to your hand to special summon Fortune Lady Earth, and synchro for this card. However, you may be better of with the 2400 of Earth, though, depending on the situation.