Forum:Jampong VS. Airbellum(coming soon)

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Jampong's Deck

Duel 1

<jampong>:Shall we start?No cheating allowed ok?You start.

Bellum:You can start first.

Bellum:Okay i well play 2 face-downs end turn. (are you there?)

<jampong>:draw,if i'm correct,the 2 cards you set are spell and/or trap cards right?then i'll activate the card i drew,Heavy Storm,then I activate allure of darkness,draw 2 cards,then remove Diamond Dude from my hand.Next I'll activate foolish burial,sending my malicious to the grave,then remove from play malicious to special summon another malicious,then summon Plaguespreader Zombie from my hand,synchro summon Stardust,attack direct,and send 1 card from my hand,end phase.(You can say wheter you chain a card)(LP-<jampong>=8000,Bellum=5500).Yes I'm here.

Bellum:I will solemn that heavy storm and activate bottomless trap hole: Me 4000 lifepoints, i will set a monster and spell.

<jampong:>so you solemned my heavy storm,and bottomless my Stardust,okay,i'll negate bottomless with my stardust,then special summon him at my end phase.

Bellum: i will play another face-down monster and call it a turn.

<jampong>:draw,activate monster reborn,special Plaguespreader zombie from my grave,then summon necro gardna,synchro summon,magical android,then i have,malicious,necro gardna and plaguespreader zombie in my grave,special DaD in my hand,then use it's effect,remove malicious,destroy your face-down,then direct attack(me=8000,you=-3700).I think I win.

bellum: not yet i will chain that so i will activate waboku, now you flipped face up my retiari and hoplomus,tag out for murmillp destroy dad and bestiari tag out for gyzarus,destoys two cards and than attack asumming you will use necros effect and i will then end my turn.

<jampong>:I didn't see the part that you set a MONSTER.My mistake,but you didn't mention you set 1 monster and 1 spell/trap card.You must mention all the cards that you set/play.And also,you don't have a retiari on your deck list.

Bellum: oops i side decked retiari.Sorry i really messed up on the first turn i acually summoned retiari face-down on the first turn its suppose to be 2 face down cards 2 spells 1 monster.

<jampong>:see,it's hard.can you first edit your deck list(w/ side deck and the synchros)?and can we restart the duel,i got confused.

Duel 1(restarted due to mistakes)

<jampong>:okay,let's restart,i'll go first.Draw,ACTIVATE ROTA to get Dark Grepher,then summon him,use his effect,discard necro gardna to send malicious from my deck to the grave,then set 2 spell/trap cards,end phase(me:8000,you:8000,# of cards in hand:2)

Bellum:Heavy Storm the two set spell and trap a face-down spell/trap card.summon rescue cat tribute it two summon airbellum and samnite synchro summon goyo guardian attack then asumin you negate with necro gardna and then i will end my turn.(# of cards in hand 3).

<jampong>:i'll not negate the attack,but before your heavy storm resolve,i chain my face down Threatening roar,so you can't attack.(the other card destroyed by heavy storm was solemn)

bellum:did you end your turn?

<jampong>:not yet,here is my turn now.draw,payback time,activate heavy storm,destroying your set spell/trap card,then remove malicious to special summon the other copy of it,then normal summon krebons,synchro summon,stardust,then i have malicous,krebons and necro in my grave,special from my hand,DaD,then use it's effect,remove malicious,destroy your guardian,then attack dirrectly,w/ total damage of(D,Grepher=1700,stardust=2500,DaD=2800) 7000,unless you chain something,end turn.

okay i have 1000 reborn so i will bring back rescue cat and tribute for 2 tigers summon from my hand samnite ancticate tigers effect to tag out for darius bring back samnite from my grave.tribute second tiger and swap samnite laquari then attack laquari dark grepher.Alright i just pwned my tele-dad which i never dueled before.--Airbellum 10:52, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

<jampong>:so,how many monsters do you have on your field and who are they?and what is our LP?

Bellum:well i already packed up my deck because i lost if you would have attacked with all 3 monsters.but i think i had laquari and darius on the field if i am not life points are at zero we went on another turn.--Airbellum 11:00, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

--okay,thanks for the time,i have mentioned that you had a Tele-DaD???

Jampong 11:06, 21 July 2009 (UTC)