Forum:Hero Deck

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Fusions: x2 Shining Flare Wingman x2 Wildedge x2 Plasma Vice Thunder Giant Wild Wingman Dark Gaia Thunder Golem Tempest Malicious Fiend Wild Cyclone

Monsters: x3 Sparkman x3 Wildheart CyDra Sangan x3 Giant Rat x2 Clayman x3 The Earth Hex x2 Prisma Exiled Force Stratos Card Trooper

Spells: Heavy Monster Reborn x3 E-Call Lightning Vortex x3 Miracle Fusion Skyscraper RotA Righteous Justice Giant Trunade Future Fusion x2 Dark Calling

Traps: x3 Threatening Torrential Mirror Force Total Cards= 41

I believe that is the proper way to run Heroes for all you Jaden fanboys/fangirls out there.

Hehehe... no. For starters, you're missing Polymerization. Once Polymerization is in, swap out The Earth for King of the Swamp. You won't get the chance to use Earth's second effect anyways (E-Hero Fusions can only be fusion summoned) and King can search Polymerization. That's just a start. Runer5h 01:39, 23 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Dude, you know how stupid you are? Look up Earth's effect. Notice how there is a period. I don't use his 2nd effect. Polymerization is horrible. Miracle Fusion does it better. King isn't needed. If this is a start, I'd love to see more of your retarded fixes.

I think that you don't need to be so ornery - calm down. Besides, King of the Swamp has amazing synergy with Miracle Fusion; being able to discard itself, it can be fused from the grave without costing you card presence. If you don't want to use Polymerization, then OK, though I find it's easier sometimes to fuse from the hand; and you could always use it as discard fodder. (PS: It's bad form to call someone retarded and stupid.) Runer5h 23:06, 23 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Polymerization is made of phail. If you fuse them from the hand, and the opponent uses Bottomless Trap hole, then guess what, you just -3'd yourself. You stupid rook.

Oh, lookie :3 Arm is here. Thanks for explaining it to the rook. Runner5h, I'd love to tell you how wrong you are on some of your advice, if you'd let me ;)

All right - you can stop now.

A couple of things.
  • I don't know what it means to be a rook.
  • It's Runer, with 1 N.
  • I'd be happy to learn more about my mistakes; that's how I improve.
  • Stop making personal attacks. Trust me. I've done it, and it does only 2 things; make you look like a pig-headed jerk, and get you in trouble on the wiki. And it certainly won't convince the person you're attacking.

Now that's out of the way.... I understand your Bottomless concerns, and it sucks. But consider this; Polymerization sets up for Miracle Fusion, right? And aside from everything else, Polymerization is the single-best supported spell card in the game (Woodsman, Fusion Sage, Fusion Recovery, etc.) - not counting Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru, that is. So, in my opinion, it's worth the use. Then again, I can't force you to use it. Runer5h 00:33, 24 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

I find it funny how the lolwiki is dumber then GameFAQs >_____>

The lolwiki? Runer5h 00:34, 24 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

The lolwiki is this place. I'm not making personal attacks, I'm telling you why they are wrong and why you are wrong.

Yes, you in fact were. "I'd love to see more of your retarded fixes." "Dude, you know who stupid you are?" (Misspelled, by the way.) Those are personal attacks. Furthermore, don't think I don't know when you vandalize my page. Don't do it again. (Nevertheless, I appreciate the polite corrections, but not the vandalism and smearing.) Runer5h 00:44, 24 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Ya'll both need to cool it

Cause first off Runer5H GAVE you helpful Suggestions, and 2ndly... well, just cool it 'Equips Anti-Flame Suit'~MEOW~ Might of the BIRD Empire~~ 01:07, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

Thanks, Altyrell. Where can I get one of those suits? Runer5h 01:10, 24 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h
  • don't know, made mine out of tin-foil, lolz. but seriously to the Creator of the Deck, you post in the Deck Help Section and you get help, then you attack the person that helped you, what kind of logic is that?~MEOW~ Might of the BIRD Empire~~ 01:12, 24 July 2009 (UTC)

Runer5h, he's not following your ideas becuase they weren't that good.

Seriously, Runer5h. Polymerization? In an E-Hero deck? What the heck are you thinking? IMHO, I think you should be stoned to death for your ignorance. Really, how could you be any more of an idiot? Next I suppose you'll be suggesting we use Honest in Lightsworn decks! Madness, I say! [/sarcasm]

On a more serious note, I see a few flaws I'd like to help you with, OP, but seeing as how trying to help you only leads to ignorant flaming and hate speech, I'll let it be. Find another forum to troll.

And is it possible to lock threads in this forum? Because that would be very helpful... 06:12, 26 July 2009 (UTC)

Hehe, good one. I think it might be possible... Runer5h 15:00, 26 July 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Runer5: Polymerization isn't that good in this Hero deck. Becuase Bottomless says hi. Junk Sorcerer 21:51, 26 July 2009 (UTC)Junk Sorcerer

In that is Polymerization good in any deck? (Also, am I right in assuming the goal of this deck is to ONLY fuse from the graveyard? If that's the case, then I assume it makes...some sense.) 04:23, 28 July 2009 (UTC) Partly. See, it is MUCH easier to fuse from the field, becuase non of my monsters in here require a sacrifice. And, if they get destroyed, then no matter. I activate Miracle Fusion, get out the best fusions, and I usually OTK. Junk Sorcerer 08:38, 28 July 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, I understand. But see, Miracle Fusion actually, in a way, supports Polymerization. Fusing from the field is difficult anyway, since the individual Heroes are pretty weak. But if you fuse from that hand with a Polymerization and get hit with a Bottomless, you can still use Miracle Fusion, so it's not really a -3, seeing as how you can access your graveyard. In fact, if you use those materials for Electrum (Who is very good in a deck that runs Miracle Fusion) it's basically a +2, even if you failed with a Poly before using Miracle Fusion (+3 if you didn't). In fact, if you already had cards removed from play, it's more than a +2. So having Polymerization AND Miracle Fusion gives you the best of both worlds, as well as many more chances to fuse, considering all the support for Polymerization.

Now, if you don't like all that friendly advice, you can choose to ignore it. But flame me and I will call down the wrath of Ra upon you! *rawr* 16:35, 28 July 2009 (UTC)

Guys it's called my body ... bboy_frost

Ok guys, chill. BTW I'm with Runer5h. E Hero deck is a Fusion deck for crying out loud! Why disregard "Polymerization" here!? Add a "Elemental Hero Woodsman" and you've got yourself a recyclable "Polymerization". If you'll use The Earth Hex for fusioning then you'll miss Absolute zero, Tornado Giant, and The Shining (which are the best fusion out there in E Hero). "Polymerization" and "Miracle Fusion" are inseparable. Peace ^^. --SilentHero26 04:52, January 24, 2010 (UTC)

Runer5h suggestions are correct and you should take his advice(trust me hes helped me out with a few decks)and hes right in the fact hex sealed fusion wont do you much good,and idc what kinda deck it is any fusion deck should run elemental hero prisma hes the ultimate helper for fusion cards regardless if you wanna do it by hand or graveyard,and the evil heros really dont go in so well because as far as it seems there does not appear to be any single way to bring them out in your deck.(only dark fusion and dark calling can bring them out theres no other way around it)--Raventheblack 05:44, January 24, 2010 (UTC)

Uhm... i'm new here.... ^^

i'm reading your "arguments" and i just wanna ask something... by the way, i'm new in playing YUGIOH so don't call me "noob" coz i already know that, that's why iim asking this question... i would like to ask if i use miracle fusion to summon a fusion monster, would it still be affected by bottomless trap hole?... i know it's really a dumb question but from what i have read here, someone said that he doesn't want to use polymerization because of the bottomless trap hole... if i use miracle fusion, would it make any difference against bottomless trap hole? tnx for answering ^^

It would still be affected. The difference here is that Miracle Fusion is less of an investment of resources. Runer5h 04:41, March 10, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h


Dude if you want help then please accept them don't go around and anyhow do something to other people account and what he says has a point most heroes deck need Polymerization and 1 question how fast can you use miracle fusion against a polymerization deck? You'll probably get owned so heed other people's advice you don't like it don't post help very simple