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hm... well... finally having an account :D I am the best! full name is destrution.

No, that is no mistake. There is a history behind that. When I first registered to a Forum I asked... "What nick should I give myself?"

Well, my mother from the bathroom "How about destruction?". Since I only had english for a half year that time and didn't even know the word I said... ok :D

Back then it was just a mistake but now it is my nick name nearly everywhere on the Internet. And it's unique. I'm quite sure you wont find any other user with it on the whole net ;)

As for other appearances:

  • Previously Moderator for modifications, strategy and off topic on
  • Previously Administrator at the SneJ mod Forum. This is one of the most (if not the most) known German mod for Diablo2.
  • A very well known user at mafia inn, a platform where you can play mafia games.
  • A lot of other little forums which are not worthy enough to be mentioned here^^

Good, and now you can guess where I'm from :D

So far for myself...

So, here are my decks... at least the ones I had in the YVD Tournament2 and 3 (won both^^). If there are any other touraments or anything like that this list will be expanded^^.

1. YVD Tournament 2 Deck (list: Sept 10)

Simple Strategy: Bring out Bamboo asap while keeping Monsters out of the field or if they are there negating their effects... or simply preventing them from destroying Bamboo. As a side strategy I can strengthen Bamboo and all the others and so have a combination of Beatdown and Lockdown. Dandy is there to have continous fodder for pollinosis or for tribute. Pineapple does the same thing while I have no Solitarity, Fertelizer or any trap on the field. I once won with only Beans + Token + Solidarity for attack because of Messenger of Peace on the opponents side^^

2. YVD Tournament 3 Deck (list: Oct 10)

Strategy: Power up GKs with Necrovalley and back them up with book/e con together with Royal Decree. Else there are stables and search cards (PoD and Stele). Especially stele is great for backing up visionary. And there is Magical Dimension which is just amazing: No cost, Stardust/MBaaS/ect safe. And the 1 Royal Tribute scewed many opponents. Despite being only at 1 it was godly. Monsters: Spy/Recruiter search and Chief/Visionary beat down. The remaining things are for toolboxing. In the side deck there are 2 other stars against certain decks: Gozen Match and Rivalry of Warlords. Look down most decks. MST is against uneasy continous s/t and other decks with field spells. I only side them because I really use them quite rarely. The other cards are just a side strategy if decree is not working well. Btw, I didn't synchro anything in the tournament...^^