Dark Simorgh Lockdown

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Revision as of 12:37, 10 December 2010 by Dccoston1991 (talk) (complete lockdown)
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This Lockdown prevents your opponent from activating Spells, Anti-Spell Fragrance forces your opponent to set spells before use, but Dark Simorgh prevents your opponent from setting any cards, so they won't be able to use spells or traps at all!

First, start with a Heavy Storm or Giant Trunade (if they have set spells/traps already), to prevent your opponent from interrupting your lock and fouling your plans. Then set Anti-Spell Fragrance and summon Dark Simorgh (either regular tributing, or with its effect from the hand or graveyard, or using Swallow's Nest to swap out a different level 7 winged beast to summon it from the deck). For the most part you want to keep it in defense position so they can't suicide monsters that might destroy it by effect. During your opponent's standby phase, activate Anti-Spell Fragrance and the lockdown is complete. You opponent will be incapable of setting monsters or spells and traps, and they won't be able to activate their spells at all without setting them first. Being unable to set monsters to defend, their lifepoints will be at your mercy, and their only escape from this lock would be defeating Dark Simorgh in battle, or using monster effects to destroy your locking cards, things you will prevent with cards such as My Body as a Shield and Divine Wrath.

And if you add 3 Ground Collapse to its youll lose one monster zone limitng you to 4 but they will lose all five zones thus meaning they cannot play anything at all except whats on the feild which considering this is a at its best a two turn otk lockdown wont be much for Dark Simorgh to run over.