Forum:Fine-illa Attack Orders

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Yo, what's up wikia and its me u5h3ra1i with my first decklist post for a random casual deck that I just felt like making. The title says Fine-illa Attack Orders, a pun on Vanilla and Final Attack Orders though it seems lame to me at the moment and I'll probably change it later, so Wutevr. So the deck's idea stems from me trying to accumulate a Vanilla Skill Drain Deck and making a random Final Attack Orders deck. So in this case I just thought to put them together to laugh at the outcome, even though it sorta works. Here is the resulting product:

Comments or suggestions would be appreciated and please don't suggest Mirror Force and Solemn Judgment because I know they're staples but I don't have them, don't want to buy them, and even my meta decks run well without them, so thank you(but if you want to send me some free ones then I'm game. =]). I had some thoughts on adding a synchro aspect by changing in one or two Mirage Dragon's with Torapart/Krebons to allow for the synchro of Goyo Guardian, X-Saber Airbellum for the synchro of Black Rose Dragon or X-Saber Urbellum, or Mist Valley Soldier to allow for Colossal Fighter and/or any other generic level 8 synchro. Please note that the chosen tuners go well with the purpose of the deck so keep that in mind, bar Torapart, but his purpose is to make a large Goyo who's unaffected by traps. The tuners chosen have the highest attack for their respective level while being tuners, so also keep that in mind. I also wished to add or change in another Skill Drain, Lightning Vortex, Birthright, Justi-Break, and Gaia Power. Other random crap that I wanted to tech in was: My Body as a Shield, Fake Trap, A Cat of Ill Omen, Mask of Darkness, Needle Ceiling, Imperial Custom, Ultimate Offering, Divine Wrath, Light of Intervention, Magic Planter, Faustian Bargain, and another Two-Man Cell Battle (<- if i could find one). Remember, this deck is just for lolz and I'm sure its no where near tournament worthy so criticize accordingly. Hope you like it and have fun analyzing it. Thanks! =] u5h3ra1i' Relished Saber Player 22:53, June 13, 2010 (UTC)

Hmm... you know, you can combo Final Attack Orders with Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress to get rid of your opponent's S/Ts one at a time. You could also use Gaap the Divine Soldier as an alternate version of Final Attack Orders. Runer5h 22:58, June 13, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h
Yea I thought about that because Lyla could feather duster the back-row. Its good stuff but I currently don't have enough funding to get my self any. She'll also clash with Skill Drain if it were out, though I do get your point. I might have to get myself one or two but it'll cost me my random Celestia and stuff. I also thought about Gaap but the thing is he's just not really worth the tribute with his ATK power and his clashing with S. Drain, though I will play test with one of him rather than the Blue-Eyes or ShockTrooper. Thanks! ^_^ u5h3ra1i' Relished Saber Player 23:11, June 13, 2010 (UTC)
I think that you should use Giant Trunade, even though you have so many continuous cards yourself. Your deck contains several mass destruction cards such as Lightning Vortex, Justi, Heavy, and Mal Catastrophe, so those cards are welcome mat for the now-commonly-used Starlight Road. Trunade will not only get rid of the Starlight Road but also any other Spells and Traps that your opponent has out, leaving you with an open field to beatstick to your heart's content. However, if your opponent were to activate their Starlight Roads, then you will have lost your card as well as have to deal with Stardust Dragon. With 2500 ATK it will defeat most of your monsters unless you have a Gaia Power or Burden (both of which you only have ONE!!!). Peshkatz 00:28, June 14, 2010 (UTC)

UPDATE: I've redone some of the deck and it seems to do much better than before. Its funny to watch people attack my defense mode Attack Forces and Lei Lei's as I respond with Final Attack Orders. They just end up having to force ram. lol Good Stuff. I'm still trying to get another Skill Drain and Beast King Barbaros would help the deck too but they're unexplainably expensive. Other than that, here's the somewhat new decklist: u5h3ra1i' Relished Saber Player 01:14, June 28, 2010 (UTC)

That's about it, anymore suggestions? u5h3ra1i' Relished Saber Player 01:14, June 28, 2010 (UTC)