Forum:Admired Users Section

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Hey. First, I want to say that I know that this should go on the Community Discussion Page, but more people read the General Yugioh Discussion Page, so I decided to post it here...

On Zoo Tycoon 2 Wikia (you probably have never heard of it), they have a featured user section on the main page. I think it would be really really cool to bring that idea, and make it so users can vote for these people. At the end of every month, maybe we could select a new featured user.

If anybody wants to help, please sign up below.

Here are the positions I will need.

1. One person who is actively involved within the socitey, who is willing to keep people updated on this. 2. Somebody who is skilled on the Yugioh Wikia, and knows how to edit pages, create polls, and do other things. 3. A manager---- Me 4. A person who keeps this whole thing organized.

If you would like to help me put this together, please write your account name and the position you would like to apply for. If people take this seriously, I will compile the jobs and choose the people by Wednesday. Remember to ask for other peoples help too.

Thanks for participating. Please no harsh or rude comments on this page. Only applications. If you want to leave a harsh or rude comment, post it on Incanator's (my old account) talk page. Signed, (Incantor) (talk) 22:49, March 4, 2011 (UTC)

Not a harsh or rude comment, just an inquiry: May I ask why we'd need a featured users section? --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 01:15, March 5, 2011 (UTC)

I jsut think that some users (even you) have been particitpating in the commuity recently, and been very helpful to people with questions that they have. If you really think about it, many people take time to post and write things on pages to help other people for no cost. I think that those people deserve to get a nice way of saying "thank you" by having them featured on the main page.

By the way, Gadjiltron, I really admire the way you said that you didn't mean that question in a harsh or rude way. (talk) 03:56, March 5, 2011 (UTC)

I remember there was one prior to the wiki's drastic change in appearance.

Also Harsh and Rude comment >:D --Helix-king (talkcontribs) 05:23, March 5, 2011 (UTC)