Card Tips:Thousand-Eyes Restrict

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Card Tips for Thousand-Eyes Restrict:

Thousand-Eyes Restrict is a very risky card to play. When you summon it, no monster can attack, or change it's battle position; including your own! With this in mind, your opponent will always set monsters. So when you choose a monster to attatch to Thousand-Eyes Restrict, you'll be left with a only few face up monsters to choose from. So, you're left with whatever's there, and that's likely to be a low-attack monster. So then, with a low-attack monster attatched, you can't destroy any high-defense monsters your opponent might have. And also, you can't use your other monster's to attack, because of Thousand-Eyes Restrict's effect.

So Thousand-Eyes Restrict is somewhat weak, who's effect will often leave your duel a stalemate, but try using Light of Intervention. Even as a Lockdown card, it has negative side effects, leaving you locked-down also.

(See: Card Tips:Relinquished for tips on Card Tips:Relinquished's absorbing effect)