Card Trivia:Monster Reborn

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Revision as of 08:59, 5 July 2015 by Daywithoutgames (talk | contribs) (Deleted incorrect trivia , Megamorph was used before Monster Reborn in the manga .)
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  • "Call of the Grave" and "Call of Darkness" specifically counter this card. As a result, "Monster Reborn" is the only Yu-Gi-Oh! card with 2 counter-cards mentioning it by name.
  • The "Ankh", also known as Key of Life, is the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic character that read "life" and it represents the concept of eternal life, which reflects this card's effect.
  • This is the most used card by all characters, surpassing the "Polymerization" card; it was used in every Yu-Gi-Oh! series except Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's.