Card Trivia:Schrödinger's Cat

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  • This card is based on Schrödinger's Cat, a thought experiment invented by Erwin Schrödinger designed to illustrate a quantum paradox, in which a cat sealed in a box along with a Geiger counter, a piece of radioactive material, and a flask of poison. By basing the cat's life or death status upon the probability of one nucleus, or none decaying in a period of one hour, the cat is said to be in a quantum superposition state of being both alive and dead at the same time because of lack of measurement. This is analogous to the theory that an electron can be in more that one state at once (i.e. rotating anti-clockwise or clockwise), purely because, that to confirm which direction it is spinning, it must be directly observed, and that very observation alters the rotation of that electron.
    • This idea is reflected in this card's effect, as it allows the player to reveal any cards drawn outside the Draw Phase, shuffle them back into the Deck, and then draw the same number of cards, therefore, "changing the result" of a draw.