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< Module:Card
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local Ruby = require('Module:Ruby')

-- Generic functions

-- Check if a value is filled (i.e. not `nil` or an empty string)
-- @param value mixed
-- @return boolean
local function isFilled(value)
	return (value ~= nil and value ~= '')

-- Base object for the Locale
-- Represents a card's details in a particular language
-- Unless otherwise stated, string params are in the language in question
-- @field lang               string     Two-letter code for the language
-- @field name               string     The card's name
-- @field romanizedName      string     The card's name, romanized
-- @field translatedName     string     The card's name, translated into English
-- @field pendulumEffect     string     The card's Penudlum Effect
-- @field material           string     The material portion of the card's lore
-- @field summoningCondition string     The Summoning condition portion of the card's lore
-- @field requirement        string     The requirement portion of the card's lore (Should not include the '[REQUIREMENT]' prefix)
-- @field lore               string     The card description/effect portion of the lore (Should not include italic markup)
-- @field condition          string     The condition portion of the lore (Should not include parentheses)
local Locale = {
	lang = nil,
	name = nil,
	romanizedName = nil,
	baseRomanizedName = nil,
	translatedName = nil,
	baseTranslatedName = nil,
	pendulumEffect = nil,
	material = nil,
	requirement = nil,
	lore = nil,
	condition = nil,

local languages = {
	en = {
		name           = 'English',
		LangCode       = 'en',
		scriptCode     = nil,
		romanizedNames = false,
		italicLores    = true,
		text           = {
			['Requirement']         = '[REQUIREMENT]',
			['Effect']              = '[EFFECT]',
			['Continuous Effect']   = '[CONTINUOUS EFFECT]',
			['Multi-Choice Effect'] = '[MULTI-CHOICE EFFECT]'
	fr = {
		name           = 'French',
		langCode       = 'fr',
		scriptCode     = nil,
		romanizedNames = false,
		italicLores    = true,
		text           = {}
	de = {
		name           = 'German',
		langCode       = 'de',
		scriptCode     = nil,
		romanizedNames = false,
		italicLores    = true,
		text           = {}
	it = {
		name           = 'Italian',
		langCode       = 'it',
		scriptCode     = nil,
		romanizedNames = false,
		italicLores    = true,
		text           = {}
	pt = {
		name           = 'Portuguese',
		langCode       = 'pt',
		scriptCode     = nil,
		romanizedNames = false,
		italicLores    = true,
		text           = {}
	es = {
		name           = 'Spanish',
		langCode       = 'es',
		scriptCode     = nil,
		romanizedNames = false,
		italicLores    = true,
		text           = {}
	ja = {
		name           = 'Japanese',
		langCode       = 'ja',
		scriptCode     = 'Japn',
		romanizedNames = true,
		italicLores    = false,
		text           = {
			['Requirement']         = '【<ruby><rb>条</rb><rt>じょう</rt><rb>件</rb><rt>けん</rt>】',
			['Effect']              = '【<ruby><rb>効</rb><rt>こう</rt><rb>果</rb><rt>か</rt>】',
			['Continuous Effect']   = '【<ruby><rb>永</rb><rt>えい</rt><rb>続</rb><rt>ぞく</rt><rb>効</rb><rt>こう</rt><rb>果</rb><rt>か</rt></ruby>】',
			['Multi-Choice Effect'] = '【<ruby><rb>選</rb><rt>せん</rt><rb>択</rb><rt>たく</rt><rb>効</rb><rt>こう</rt><rb>果</rb><rt>か</rt></ruby>】'
	zh = {
		name           = 'Chinese',
		langCode       = 'zh',
		scriptCode     = nil,
		romanizedNames = true,
		italicLores    = false,
		text           = {}
	tc = {
		name           = 'Traditional Chinese',
		langCode       = 'zh',
		scriptCode     = 'Hant',
		romanizedNames = true,
		italicLores    = false,
		text           = {}
	sc = {
		name           = 'Simplified Chinese',
		langCode       = 'zh',
		scriptCode     = 'Hans',
		romanizedNames = true,
		italicLores    = false,
		text           = {}
	ko = {
		name           = 'Korean',
		langCode       = 'ko',
		scriptCode     = nil,
		romanizedNames = true,
		italicLores    = false,
		text           = {
			['Requirement']         = '【조건】',
			['Effect']              = '【효과】',
			['Continuous Effect']   = '【지속 효과】',
			['Multi-Choice Effect'] = '【선택 효과】'
	ru = {
		name           = 'Russian',
		langCode       = 'ru',
		scriptCode     = nil,
		romanizedNames = true,
		italicLores    = false,
		text           = {}

-- Create a new instance of the Locale object
-- @param lang            string   The language code
-- @param params          table 
-- @return Locale
function Locale:new(lang, params)
	-- Create a new instance of the Locale class with all the default values
	local l = mw.clone(Locale)

	-- English parameters don't have a prefix e.g. `name`, `lore`
	-- Other languages use their code as their prefix e.g. `ja_name`, `ja_lore`
	local prefix = lang == 'en' and '' or lang .. '_'

	l.lang               = lang
	l.language           = languages[lang]               = params[prefix .. 'name']                 or nil
	l.romanizedName      = params[prefix .. 'romanized_name']       or nil
	l.baseRomanizedName  = params[prefix .. 'base_romanized_name']  or nil
	l.translatedName     = params[prefix .. 'translated_name']      or nil
	l.baseTranslatedName = params[prefix .. 'base_translated_name'] or nil
	l.pendulumEffect     = params[prefix .. 'pendulum_effect']      or nil
	l.material           = params[prefix .. 'material']             or nil
	l.summoningCondition = params[prefix .. 'summoning_condition']  or nil
	l.requirement        = params[prefix .. 'requirement']          or nil
	l.lore               = params[prefix .. 'lore']                 or nil
	l.condition           = params[prefix .. 'condition']  or nil

	return l

-- Create many instances of the Locale object
-- @param langs           array    List of language codes
-- @param params          table
-- @return table                   Mapping of language codes to Locale objects
function Locale:createMany(langs, params)
	params = Locale.normalizeParams(params)

	-- List of all Locale objects for the card
	local locales = {}

	for _, lang in pairs(langs) do
		-- Only add to the list if there is data for this language
		if (Locale.hasParams(lang, params)) then
			locales[lang] = self:new(lang, params)

	return locales

-- Normalize the input params
-- Relable params to use a consistent format across all languages.
-- e.g. "romaji_name", "ko_rr_name" → "ja_romanized_name", "ko_romanized_name"
-- @param params table
function Locale.normalizeParams(params)
	-- table mapping labels to standardized ones
	local mappings = {
		romaji_name      = 'ja_romanized_name',
		base_romaji_name = 'ja_base_romanized_name',
		trans_name       = 'ja_translated_name',
		base_trans_name  = 'ja_base_translated_name',
		zh_pinyin_name   = 'zh_romanized_name',
		tc_pinyin_name   = 'tc_romanized_name',
		sc_pinyin_name   = 'sc_romanized_name',
		ko_rr_name       = 'ko_romanized_name'

	-- Loop through the mappings
	-- If the old label is used in params, also its value under the new label
	for inputParam, normalizedParam in pairs(mappings) do
		if params[inputParam] then
			params[normalizedParam] = params[inputParam]

	return params

-- Check if a supplied input has params in a specified language
-- @param lang string
-- @param params table - Input params (after normalization)
-- @return boolean
function Locale.hasParams(lang, params)
	-- There should always be an English
	if lang == 'en' then return true end

	-- Check if at least one param is supplied for the language
	return (
		isFilled(params[lang .. '_name']) or
		isFilled(params[lang .. '_lore']) or
		isFilled(params[lang .. '_pendulum_effect']) or
		isFilled(params[lang .. '_material']) or
		isFilled(params[lang .. '_archetype_condition']) or
		isFilled(params[lang .. '_summoning_condition']) or
		isFilled(params[lang .. '_romanized_name']) or
		isFilled(params[lang .. '_translated_name'])

-- Get the name without any ruby annotations
-- e.g. デーモンの{{Ruby|召|しょう}}{{Ruby|喚|かん}} → デーモンの召喚
-- @return string
function Locale:getBaseName()
	return Ruby.split(

-- Get the name favoring "top" text over base text for ruby annotations
-- e.g. デーモンの{{Ruby|召|しょう}}{{Ruby|喚|かん}} → デーモンのしょうかん
-- @return string
function Locale:getTopName()
	return Ruby.split(, 'top')

-- Get the code for the HTML lang attribute
-- i.e. text that appears inside `lang="..."` in HTML
-- @return string
function Locale:getHtmlLang()
	local output = self.language.langCode

	if (self.language.scriptCode ~= nil) then
		output = output .. '-' .. self.language.scriptCode

	return output

-- Get the code for the HTML lang attribute for romanized text
-- @return string
function Locale:getRomanizedHtmlLang()
	return self.language.langCode .. '-Latn'

-- Get a piece of text in the current language
-- @param message string
-- @return string
function Locale:getText(message)
	-- If the language has a translation for the message use that
	return self.language.text[message]
		-- Otherwise use the English one if it exists
		or languages.en[message]
		-- Otherwise just return the supplied text
		or message

-- Put the material, lore and archetype condition together to form the full lore
-- @param card    Card    The full card object
-- @return string
function Locale:getFullLore(card)
	local output = ''
	local condition = nil

	if (self.condition) then
		condition = '(' .. self.condition .. ')'

	-- Handle Normal Monsters
	-- Lore (with italics depending on language, followed by archetype condition)
	if (card.isNormalMonster) then
		local output = isFilled(self.lore) and self.lore or ''
		if (self.language.italicLores and isFilled(self.lore)) then
			output = '<i>' .. self.lore .. '</i>'

		if (condition) then
			output = output .. '<br /><br />' .. condition

		return output

	-- Handle everything else
	lore = self.lore
	requirement = self.requirement

	-- If there is a requirement, prefix the lore and requirement with their labels
	if (isFilled(self.requirement)) then
		requirement = '<b>' .. self:getText('Requirement') .. '</b> ' .. requirement
		lore = '<b>' .. self:getText(card.mainEffectType or 'Effect') .. '</b> ' .. lore

	-- Array of different lore components
	local loreParts = {
		self.material or nil,
		condition or nil,
		self.summoningCondition or nil,
		lore or nil,
	-- Remove empty values
	loreParts = TableTools.compressSparseArray(loreParts)

	-- Join the components, separating each with a line break
	return table.concat(loreParts, '<br />')

return Locale