North American WCQ 2019 Special: Joey vs. Ishizu/Transcript

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Transcript: Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game WCQ 2019 Scripted Duels[edit]

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Voice Actors[edit]

Pre-Duel Dialogue[edit]

Announcer: Welcome back. One of our yearly traditions here at the North American World Championship Qualifier is to invite some of your favorite voice actors from the Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series to take part in the festivities over the weekend. And one of those festivities, a favorite for many, is a special exhibition Duel. So today we present to you a story of a Battle City's Final matchup that never happened. Between a man who leaves his fate up to the heart of the cards, and a woman who has foreseen her own destiny and now walks the path to get there. Please welcome Wayne Grayson as Joey Wheeler, and Nell Balaban as Ishizu Ishtar.

Wayne Grayson: Long time. ("Yu-Gi-Oh!" theme begins playing) There it is, the music. (Wayne and Nell begin dancing, the audience cheers) It's a long song.

Joey: Awright, the top 32 of the 2019 North American World Championship Qualifier is about to begin, and I got a front seat for all the action! Hey, Ishizu, are you as excited as I am to see who will win the North American WCQ and Dragon Duel WCQ?

Ishizu: No, Joey, I am not.

Joey: You're not?

Ishizu: Of course not. I have already foreseen this weekend's champions, with my Millennium Necklace. The winner will be of no surprise to me.

Joey: (gasps) Is it me?

Ishizu: You're not even in the top cut, Joey.

Joey: Only because they wouldn't let me in the tournament. Can you believe they told me my Deck isn't legal?

Ishizu: And why not?

Joey: Eeh, the judges told me that my Deck doesn't fit the "Advanced Format", whatever that is. They also told me that I can't use one of the cards in my Deck because it hasn't been released yet. But that's crazy! Of course it's been released, otherwise it wouldn't be right here in my Deck!

Ishizu: You wouldn't have won anyway, Joey.

Joey: (gasps) Did you use your Millennium Necklace to see dat?

Ishizu: No, I used common sense.

Joey: Aw man, that's harsh Ishizu. I gotta say, I'm really itchin' for a Duel. Nobody seems to wanna take on the great Joey Wheeler.

Ishizu: And his illegal Deck.

Joey: Aah, my Deck is perfect! I don't wanna change a single card in it! Will you Duel me, Ishizu?

Ishizu: If you wish, Joey. But I must warn you: my victory is fated for our Duel, and I already know exactly how I'm going to win it.

Joey: Yeah we'll see about that!

Together: Let's Duel!

Joey: We'll roll to see who goes first! (Ishizu rolls 3, Joey rolls 5)

Joey Wheeler (Red-Eyes Deck) vs. Ishizu Ishtar (Gravekeeper's Deck)[edit]

Turn 1: Joey's Turn[edit]

Joey: Awright, I won the die roll! Looks like I'll be startin' this Duel off. I Set a monster face-down and end my turn. (Audience laughs.)

Ishizu: Is... is that all?

Joey: Eh... yeah that's all I got.

Turn 2: Ishizu's Turn[edit]

Ishizu: What an unfortunate first turn. Now it's my turn. I draw. I'll start my turn by activating "Necrovalley Throne". This card lets me add a "Gravekeeper's" monster from my Deck to my hand. I'll add "Gravekeeper's Commandant" to my hand. Next I discard my "Commandant" to the Graveyard to add the "Necrovalley" Field Spell card from my Deck to my hand. Now, I activate "Necrovalley"!

Joey: "Necrovalley"? What's that?

Ishizu: In addition to other effects, my "Necrovalley" increases the ATK and DEF of all my "Gravekeeper's" monsters by 500. Like this monster, for example: I summon "Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier". Now "Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier", attack Joey's face-down monster!

Joey: You destroyed my "Mystic Tomato" and my battleship! Since it was in Defense Mode, I don't lose any LP.

Ishizu: Think again, Joey. My "Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier" inflicts piercing damage, which means you lose Life Points equal to the difference between my monster's ATK, and your monster's DEF. Since your "Mystic Tomato" has 1100 DEF and my Spear Soldier has 2000 ATK, you lose 900 LP. (Joey's LP fall to 3100)

Joey: Aw man. But, my "Mystic Tomato"'s effect activates. When it's destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, I get to Special Summon a DARK monster from my Deck with fewer than 1500 ATK. I Special Summon "The Black Stone of Legend"!

Ishizu: I Set a face card down [sic] and end my turn.

Turn 3: Joey's Turn[edit]

Joey: Here we go, I draw! First, I activate the effect of "The Black Stone of Legend"! By Tributing "The Black Stone of Legend", I get to Special Summon a Level 7 "Red-Eyes" monster from my Deck, and there's no substitute for the original! Come out, "Red-Eyes B. Dragon"! (crowd cheers) How do you like that, Ishizu? Are you quakin' at the might of my cool dragon? Your boring old "Gravekeeper's" have nothin' on my Dragon!

Ishizu: That is...quite impressive.

Joey: And I'm not even done! Next, I activate "Polymerization"! I fuse together "Masaki the Legendary Swordsman" and "Flame Manipulator" to Summon my favorite monster, the "Flame Swordsman"! (crowd cheers) And I still have one more monster joinin' the brigade! I Summon "Blue Flame Swordsman"! He's bringin' the heat! Now it's time to battle! "Red-Eyes B. Dragon", attack and destroy Ishizu's "Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier"!

Ishizu: I saw that coming. Which is why I Set this ancient Trap Card. Since you attacked, I can activate my "Widespread Ruin". This card destroys the monster on your field with the highest ATK. Farewell, "Red-Eyes"!

Joey: Ugh...

Ishizu: Since your two remaining monster only have 1800 ATK each, but my "Gravekeeper's" monster has 2000 ATK, you won't be getting through to my LP this turn.

Joey: Think again! I activate my "Blue Flame Swordsman's" special ability! Once per turn, during the Battle Phase, I can transfer 600 of my "Blue Flame Swordsman's" ATK over to another Warrior on my field! I transfer those ATK to my "Flame Swordsman"! Now my "Flame Swordsman" has 2400 ATK!

Ishizu: I see.

Joey: "Flame Swordsman"! Attack and destroy Ishizu's "Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier"! You lose 400 LP, and your monster is destroyed. And I'm not done yet. Now, "Blue Flame Swordsman", attack Ishizu directly! (Ishizu's LP tall to 3600)

Ishizu: (winces)

Joey: You lose another 1200 LP. (Ishizu's LP fall to 2400)

Ishizu: Mm.

Joey: I Set a card face down and end my turn.

Turn 4: Ishizu's Turn[edit]

Ishizu: I draw a card. First, I Summon "Gravekeeper's Assailant" to the field. Next, I activate another "Necrovalley Throne".

Joey: What are you gonna add to your hand this time, Ishizu?

Ishizu: I won't be using it to add a card to my hand, Joey. "Necrovalley Throne" has two separate effects; this time, I'm using its other effect.

Joey: Two effects?!

Ishizu: The "Throne's" second effect lets me Summon a "Gravekeeper's" monster from my hand. I'll use it to Summon "Gravekeeper's Descendant". Next, I activate "Card of Sanctity"! Now, we each draw from our Decks until we have 6 cards in our hands. (cheering) "Gravekeeper's Assailant", attack and destroy Joey's "Flame Swordsman".

Joey: What're you doing, Ishizu? My "Flame Swordsman" still has 2400 ATK. Your "Assailant" only has 2000 ATK. My Swordman's gonna win!

Ishizu: I activate my "Assailant's" special ability: since "Necrovalley" is on the field, I can use my "Gravekeeper's Assailant's" effect to change the battle position of one monster on your field. I switch your "Flame Swordsman" into Defense Position.

Joey: Aw man, my "Flame Swordsman" only has 1600 DEF.

Ishizu: Which means it's destroyed by my "Assailant"! Now, "Gravekeeper's Descendant", attack and destroy Joey's "Blue Flame Swordsman". Since your "Blue Flame Swordsman" only has 1200 ATK, you lose 800 LP and your "Blue Flame Swordsman" is destroyed. (Joey's LP fall to 2300)

Joey: Ah, you may have destroyed my "Blue Flame Swordsman", but now its effect activates! Since you destroyed it, I can banish it from my Graveyard to Special Summon a FIRE Warrior-Type monster from my Graveyard. My "Flame Swordsman" is comin' back to my field!

Ishizu: No it isn't.

Joey: It isn't? Why not?

Ishizu: I'll give you two reasons. First, "Necrovalley" stops all cards from being banished from the Graveyard. Second, "Necrovalley" negates all card effects that would move any cards from the Graveyard to any other place. So not only are you unable to banish your "Blue Flame Swordsman" from your Graveyard, but even if you could, you wouldn't be able to Special Summon your "Flame Swordsman".

Joey: Aw man, how was I supposed to know that? That "Necrovalley" card is so annoying!

Ishizu: I Set four cards face-down and end my turn. It's your move.

Joey: Hold on, Ishizu. Before your turn is over, I'm gonna activate my face-down card. I don't trust what you have down there. I guess you could say I have a "Sixth Sense" about these things. Which is why I'm activatin' my "Sixth Sense" Trap Card before you can flip over any of your face-down cards! Now, I choose two numbers between 1 and 6, and you get to roll a six-sided die. If you roll one of the numbers I chose, I get to draw that many cards. If you roll a different number, I send a number of cards equal to whatever number you roll from the top of my Deck to my Graveyard. I choose 5 and 6. C'mon Lady Luck! (Ishizu sighs and rolls a die; the result is 5) Awright! You rolled a 5! That means I get to draw five cards!

Turn 5: Joey's Turn[edit]

Now I'll draw another card for the start of my turn! I can't believe how many cards are in my hand! You're in trouble, Ishizu! First, I'll blow away your "Necrovalley" and your four face-down cards with my "Giant Trunade" Spell Card! (cheering) Yes, that's right, you heard me. Now all'a those cards are returnin' to your hand!

Ishizu: Not so fast Joey! I activate my Trap Card, "Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley"! When a Spell, Trap, or monster effect is activated while a "Gravekeeper's" monster and "Necrovalley" are both on my field, this Counter Trap negates the activation of your card, and destroys it. Your "Giant Trunade" is unable to penetrate the "Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley".

Joey: Fine. There's more than one way to get "Necrovalley" off'a your field. I Summon "Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight"! Next, I equip my "Gearfried" with "Lightning Blade"! "Lightning Blade" increases the ATK of an equipped Warrior by 800, but more importantly, it allows me to use my Gearfried's special ability! Once per turn, if Gearfried is equipped with a card, I can destroy that Equip Card and then destroy one'a your Spell or Trap cards!

Ishizu: (sarcastically) Oh no.

Joey: Yeah, I'll destroy my "Lightning Blade" with "Gearfried's" effect, and take out your "Necrovalley" with it! Your "Gravekeeper's" monsters aren't so tough without your "Necrovalley", and my turn is just gettin' started! Now that "Necrovalley" is off'a your field, I got a bunch of other moves to make! First, I use "Monster Reborn" to Special summon "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" from my Graveyard! Next, I Tribute "Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning" from my hand to Special Summon "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon"!

Ishizu: (quizically) "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon"?

Joey: Yeah.

Ishizu: With my Millennium Necklace, I foresee that card being released on August 30th in the 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin. (crowd cheers) How do you already have it?

Joey: Eeh, some stuck-up rich boy I know got the Tins early. He said he didn't want this card because it reminded him of me, and he gave it to me. And he also said somethin' about, uh "third-rate Duelists" and "fourth-rate Decks", I don't really remember what. I stopped listenin' after he gave me the card. Anyway, I can Special Summon my "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon" just by Tributing any "Red-Eyes" monster from my hand or field, and my "Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning" fits the bill! Now, "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon", use your 2400 ATK to attack and destroy Ishizu's "Gravekeeper's Descendant"!

Ishizu: Oh, Joey, you fell right into my trap.

Joey: No way!

Ishizu: When you Tribute "Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning" from your hand to Summon "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon", the trap was placed. I set a bomb in your "Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning", which transferred over to your "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon" when you Tributed it. Doing so has allowed me to activate this card when you attacked with your Dragon: "Blast Held by a Tribute"! Now all of your Attack Position monsters are destroyed, and you lose 1000 LP! (Joey's LP fall to 1300) Your field is now clear.

Joey: Yeah maybe at the moment, but it won't be for long! I activate the effect of my "Red-Eyes Retro Dragon"! If one or more of my Level 7 or lower "Red-Eyes" monsters are destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon this card from my hand in Defense Mode, and Special Summon my destroyed monsters back to the field! My "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" and "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon" return to the field in Attack Mode! And that's not all, I'll also activate the effect of my "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon". Since it was destroyed by your card's effect, I can Special Summon a Level 7 or lower "Red-Eyes" monster from my Graveyard! I Special Summon "Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lighning" to my field in Attack Mode! I'm back, and stronger than ever! Now, "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon" attack Ishizu's "Gravekeeper's Descendant" again!

Ishizu: You don't know when to stay down. I activate "Mirror Force"! (crowd cheers) All monsters on your field in Attack Mode are now destroyed.

Joey: Aw man. My monsters may be destroyed, but that just means my "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon's" effect activates once again! I get to Special Summon another Level 7 or lower "Red-Eyes" monster from my Graveyard, and this time I Special Summon "Red-Eyes B. Dragon"! And it's not just your ordinary "Red-Eyes B. Dragon"; when "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" is Special summoned from the Graveyard by the effect of my "Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon", its ATK... are doubled! My "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" now has 4800 ATK, and since you only have 2400 LP and your "Gravekeeper's Descendant" only has 1500 ATK, one attack over your "Descendant" will finish you off! "Red-Eyes B. Dragon", attack Ishizu's "Gravekeeper's Descendant" and end this Duel!

(Ishizu pauses and looks pointedly over the audience. The audience laughs.)

Ishizu: (Drily) I activate my Trap card. "Enchanted Javelin". (crowd cheers) This Trap Card increases my LP by the ATK of an attacking monster. Since your "Red-Eyes" has 4800 ATK, I gain 4800 LP. (Ishizu's LP rise to 7200) (crowd cheers)

Joey: 2400 plus 4800, that's, uh... let me think... calculator?

Ishizu: You'll get it.

Joey: Wazzit?

Ishizu: 7200 LP.

Joey: You may have, uh... 7200? LP, for now, but my Dragon is about to take out your "Descendant" and a big chunk'a those LP. "Red-Eyes", Inferno Fire Blast! I Set one card before ending my turn. (Ishizu's LP fall to 3900)

Turn 6: Ishizu's Turn[edit]

Ishizu: I draw. First, I activate "Pot of Greed" (cheering) This card lets me draw 2 cards from my Deck. Next, I activate "Pot of Desires". (louder cheering) I banish the top 10 cards of my Deck face-down to draw 2 more cards. Now, I Summon "Gravekeeper's Headman" to the field.

Joey: "Gravekeeper's Headman"?

Ishizu: I activate its effect. If it's Summoned, I can target a Level 4 "Gravekeeper's" monster in my Graveyard, and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position or face-down Defense Position. I'll use its effect to Special Summon "Gravekeeper's Descendant" back from the Graveyard in Attack Mode! Now, I'll activate my "Gravekeeper's Descendant's" effect. I can Tribute another "Gravekeeper's" monster I control to destroy a card on your field. I'll Tribute my Headman to destroy your "Red-Eyes B. Dragon"!

Joey: Oh no!

Ishizu: Oh yes! Now I activate "Polymerization"! I fuse the two "Gravekeeper's" on my field together to Summon "Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist"! My "Supernaturalist" has 2000 ATK to start, but gains another 100 ATK for each Level in the Fusion Materials used to Summon it. Since both of its Fusion Materials were Level 4 monsters, my "Supernaturalist" gains 800 ATK, bringing it up to 2800. Once "Necrovalley" is back on my field, my "Supernaturalist" and my "Necrovalley" will also be immune to destruction to card effects thanks to my "Supernaturalist's" effect! Now, "Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist", attack and destroy Joey's "Red-Eyes Retro Dragon"!

Joey: Hold on, Ishizu! I activate "Roulette Spider"! First, I roll a six-sided die. Then I get to use an effect dependin' on the roll. If I get lucky, I can destroy your monster, negate your monster's attack, or even inflict 2800 points of damage to your LP, and I feel lucky!

Man in the audience: We believe in you, Joey! (Joey rolls a 1)

Joey: No way! I rolled a 1! (audience cries out; Joey turns to the audience) Thanks! You jinxed me. Aw man. Now my LP are cut in half. (Joey's LP fall to 650)

Ishizu: It looks like that didn't go as you planned. But it was just as I foresaw. Now my attack continues unimpeded. Your "Red-Eyes Retro Dragon" is destroyed by my "Supernaturalist". I Set a card face-down. Finally, I activate the effect of my "Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist". Activating this effect in my Main Phase allows me to add a "Gravekeeper's" monster or "Necrovalley" card from my Deck to my hand in the End Phase. I'll end my turn and add "Gravekeeper's Spiritualist" to my hand with my "Supernaturalist's" effect. It's your move.

Turn 7: Joey's Turn[edit]

Joey: I draw.

Ishizu: Not so fast, Joey. I activate my Trap Card, "Necrovalley Temple"! Once per turn, during the Main Phase, if I don't have a card in my Field Zone, this Trap Card lets me to activate "Necrovalley" directly from my hand or Graveyard. I'll use its effect to return "Necrovalley" from my Graveyard to my field.

Joey: Ech... "Necrovalley's" back.

Ishizu: Now that I have a "Gravekeeper's" monster and "Necrovalley" on my field, my "Necrovalley Temple" also decreases the ATK and DEF of all monsters on your field by 500. And of course, my "Necrovalley" increases the ATK of my "Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist" to 3300.

Joey: Eh... maybe drawin' a pair'a cards will help me. I activate "Cup of Ace"! This card lets me toss a coin. If I get heads, I get to draw 2 cards. If I flip tails, you get to draw 2 cards instead.

Ishizu: That's a bit risky, isn't it?

Joey: "Risky" is my middle name, Ishizu. Joey Risky Wheeler. Here we go! (Joey flips tails) Aw man! I got tails! (audience laughs)

Ishizu: I'll draw 2 cards from my Deck.

Joey: Eh, it's just a minor setback. I still have lots of moves I can make! Like this one, for example: I activate "Red-Eyes Insight"! Now, I get to send 1 "Red-Eyes" monster from my Deck to my Graveyard to add a "Red-Eyes" Spell or Trap Card from my Deck to my hand! I send "Red-Eyes Wyvern" to my Graveyard to add "Red-Eyes Fusion" to my hand. Next, I activate "Red-Eyes Fusion"! This card lets me Fusion Summon a monster that uses a "Red-Eyes" monster as a Fusion Material by using monster from my hand, Deck, or Graveyard as Fusion Materials. Then, the name of the monster I Fusion Summon becomes "Red-Eyes B. Dragon", and I can't Summon any other monsters in the same turn. I fuse the Level 7 "Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon" and Level 6 "Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact" from my Deck to make "Meteor Black Comet Dragon"! (audience cheers weakly) I thought it'd be a little louder than that. (audience cheers loudly) My monster has 3500 original ATK plus an awesome effect: if it's Fusion Summoned, I get to send a "Red-Eyes" monster from my hand or Deck to my Graveyard and inflict damage to your LP equal to half'a that monster's original ATK! I send "Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon" from my Deck to my Graveyard with its effect! Since my "Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon" has 2800 original ATK, you lose 1400 LP! (Ishizu's LP fall to 2500) Next, I'll equip my monster with "Black Metal Dragon"! I can equip "Black Metal Dragon" to any "Red-Eyes" monster I control, and since my "Red-Eyes Fusion" changed the name of my monster to "Red-Eyes B. Dragon", that includes my "Meteor Black Comet Dragon"! "Black Metal Dragon" increases the equipped monster's ATK to 600 [sic]. Even with your "Necrovalley Temple" weakening my monster, that brings its ATK up to a grand total of... 3600!

Ishizu: Impressive.

Joey: Math! Now, attack Ishizu's "Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist"! Since your "Supernaturalist" has 3300 ATK, you lose 300 LP and your monster is destroyed! (Ishizu's LP fall to 2200) I Set one card face-down before ending my turn.

Turn 8: Ishizu's Turn[edit]

Ishizu: I draw. First, I activate "Pot of Extravagance" (audience cheers) Now I banish 6 random cards face-down from my Extra Deck to draw 2 cards. Next, I activate "Gravekeeper's Stele". This card is unaffected by "Necrovalley" and lets me return 2 "Gravekeeper's" monsters from my Graveyard to my hand. I'll use its effect to return "Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier" and "Gravekeeper's Assailant" to my hand. Now, I activate a Spell Card: "Tribute to The Doomed". I discard "Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier" from my hand to destroy your "Meteor Black Comet Dragon".

Joey: Normally when my "Meteor Black Comet Dragon" is sent from field to my Graveyard, I get to Special Summon a Normal Monster from my Graveyard, but since your "Necrovalley" is still face-up on the field, I can't use that effect!

Ishizu: And that means you're defenseless.

Joey: But! I can still use the effect of my "Black Metal Dragon". Since it was sent to the Graveyard with my "Meteor Black Comet Dragon", my "Black Metal Dragon's" effect lets me add a "Red-Eyes" card from my Deck to my hand. I choose "Red-Eyes Baby Dragon"!

Ishizu: Even so, you have no monsters left on your field to defend you. I summon "Gravekeeper's Spiritualist". With "Necrovalley" on my field, my "Gravekeeper's Spiritualist" has 2000 ATK, which is enough for it to wipe out your last 650 LP. "Gravekeeper's Spiritualist", attack Joey directly and end this Duel!

Joey: I'm not outta this Duel yet, Ishizu! I activate my Trap Card "Nutrient Z"! (cheering) When I'm about to take 2000 or more points of damage, this card gives me 4000 LP first! That means I'm up to 4650 LP! (Joey's LP rise to 4650)

Ishizu: My "Gravekeeper's Spiritualist" still attacks directly, and you lose 2000 LP. (Joey's LP fall to 2650) I set a card and then end my turn.

Turn 9: Joey's Turn[edit]

Joey: It's my turn! I draw! First, I activate "Pot of Greed"! (audience cheers) This card lets me draw two more cards! Next, I activate "Pot of Desires"! (more cheering) I banish the top ten cards of my Deck face-down to draw two more cards! C'mon Deck, gimme what I want! Awesome! Now I activate "Dicephoon"! (cheering) This card lets me roll a six-sided die. If I roll a 2, 3, or 4, I get to destroy a Spell or Trap card on the field. If I roll a 5, I get to destroy two Spell or Trap cards on the field. But if I roll a 1 or a 6, I lose 1000 LP. Let's go! (Joey rolls a 5) Alright, I rolled a 5! Now I get to destroy two of your Spell and Trap cards! I'll destroy "Necrovalley" and I'll destroy your "Necrovalley Temple" so that you can't bring "Necrovalley" back! Nyeh!

Ishizu: The effect of my "Necrovalley Temple" activates. If it's destroyed by your card effect and sent to my Graveyard, I can set a "Necrovalley" card from my Deck. I set "Necrovalley Throne".

Joey: Now I Summon my "Red-Eyes Baby Dragon"! But it's not stayin' on the field for long; I banish it to Special Summon "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" from my hand! (cheering) Yeah, I can Special Summon "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" by banishing any Dragon from my field. And once per turn, my monster lets me Special Summon any Dragon from my hand or Graveyard. I'll activate its effect to Special Summon "Meteor Black Comet Dragon" from my Graveyard! Next, I pay 1000 LP to activate "Summon Dice"! (Joey's LP fall to 1650) Now I get to roll a six-sided die. If I roll a 1 or a 2, I get to Normal Summon a monster. If I roll a 3 or a 4, I get to Special Summon a monster from my Graveyard. And if I roll a 5 or a 6, I get to Special Summon a monster from my hand! Here we go! (Joey rolls a 4) Sweet! I rolled a 4! That means I'm Special Summoning "Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon" from my Graveyard! (cheering) You're finished Ishizu. I've got three powerful Dragons on my field. "Meteor Black Comet Dragon", attack and destroy Ishizu's "Gravekeeper's Spiritualist".

Ishizu: I activate "Waboku". (loud cheering)

Joey: Ooh.

Ishizu: This card protects my monster from battle and reduces all battle damage to 0 for the turn. You won't be destroying my monster or touching my LP.

Joey: Even so, look how powerful my monsters are. There's no way you're getting through all'a them! I'll Set a card face-down and end my turn.

Turn 10: Ishizu's Turn[edit]

Ishizu: This Duel is going exactly as I predicted. I draw. First, I activate my face-down "Necrovalley Throne" to Summon "Gravekeeper's Priestess" from my hand. Next, I activate "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon "Gravekeeper's Headman" from my Graveyard. I use my "Headman's" effect to Special Summon "Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier" in Attack Position. Now I activate the effect of my "Gravekeeper's Spiritualist". During my Main Phase, if "Necrovalley" is on the field, I can Fusion Summon a Spellcaster-Type Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck using my "Spiritualist" and cards in my hand or on my field as Fusion Materials.

Joey: But... "Necrovalley" isn't on your field, Ishizu.

Ishizu: Look again, Joey. As long as my "Gravekeeper's Priestess" is on my field, its effect causes the field to be treated as "Necrovalley". That means I'm free to use my "Spiritualist's" effect. I'll fuse the "Spiritualist" on my field with the "Gravekeeper's Assailant" in my hand to Fusion Summon another "Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist".

Joey: I activate my Trap Card "Deep Dark Trap Hole"! When a Level 5 or higher Effect Monster is Special Summoned, my "Deep Dark Trap Hole" banishes it from the Duel. I guess your monster's supernatural powers aren't all that they're cracked up to be!

Ishizu: I chain "De-Fusion"! I'll split my "Supernaturalist" back into the two monsters that were used to Summon it! Now, I have five monsters on the field.

Joey: So what? My three Dragons are way stronger.

Ishizu: You're missing the big picture, Joey. (Triumphant music begins to play.) I Tribute "Gravekeeper's Spiritualist", "Gravekeeper's Priestess", and "Gravekeeper's Headman"! (Joey watches incredulously) I Summon thee, "Obelisk the Tormentor"! (crowd cheers loudly)

Joey: "Obelisk the Tormentor"? No way!

Ishizu: I told Kaiba that Obelisk would one day be returned to me. My "Obelisk the Tormentor" has 4000 ATK and 4000 DEF, but I'm about to make it even stronger. I Tribute "Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier" and "Gravekeeper's Assailant" to use "Obelisk's" effect!

Joey: "Obelisk's" effect?!

Ishizu: By Tributing 2 monsters, my "Obelisk's" power becomes infinite!

Joey: I can't believe it!

Ishizu: "Obelisk the Tormentor", finish off Joey and his monsters and end this Duel! Fist of Fate! (Joey's LP fall to 0) (audience applauds)

Post-Duel Dialogue[edit]

Joey: Aww... I can't believe I lost!

Ishizu: Joey, you Dueled well. But you couldn't escape what fate had in store for you.

Joey: Eh, you got lucky, Ishizu. Next time we Duel there's no way I'll lose!

Ishizu: I look forward to Dueling you again.

Joey: Now let's continue with the 2019 North America World Championship Qualifier. I wanna see who's gonna win!