Forum:My Body as a Shield Vs. CCV

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Revision as of 14:32, 23 July 2008 by Darth Covah (talk)
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Can My Body as a Shield negate Crush Card Virus and if so are there any specific conditions (e.g. a 1500+ monster on your field has to be destroyed upon activation of CCV or something)

Wow. Tough query. I will state my opinion on this, but I'm not quite sure I'm right...anyway, a wild guess is that CCV would be negated if you have at least one 1500+ ATK monster on the field. However, if you have no matching monsters on the field, then, normally, you shouldn't be able to chain My Body as a Shield to Crush Card Virus. Darth Covah 14:32, 23 July 2008 (UTC)