Talk:Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

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If you used "Scrap-Iron Scarecrow" during you opponent's turn to negate an attack, can you use "Scrap-Iron Scarecrow" again during the same turn to negate another attack? ( 01:09, 20 September 2008 (UTC))

  • Nope. Trap cards can't be used on the turn they're set. One negation per turn. Speedball 01:24, 20 September 2008 (UTC)

No because you cannot activate traps on the turn they are set, unless you use Cathedral of Nobles.--Teba64 01:25, 20 September 2008 (UTC)

 True but according to the rule book even if the card was just set it can be used as long as the criteria is met
  • still it is usefull,especially if you got another of it,and if youre blocking your oppononents monsters that can defeat your monsters (really powerfull against chimeratech cards) 12:30, 21 October 2008 (UTC) (also known as Deadfalk)

Semantic Mumbo-Jumbo

"Scrap-Iron Scarecrow" says to Set it face-down "again" as soon as it's activated. Does this effect require it to have been activated while it was previously Set on the field? For example, let's say Player A attacked Player B's "Jetroid", and Player B used "Jetroid"'s effect to activate "Scrap-Iron Scarecrow" from his hand. Does "Scrap-Iron Scarecrow" go to the Graveyard, or does it get Set face-down? RedDrgn 22:30, March 11, 2010 (UTC)

Isn't this card eligible for a dwarf?

Hi, I would appreciate if someone could share his opinion on whether or not this card should be dwarfed by being labelled as limited or at least semi-limited... I played some ugly duels against two of these set on the field... It's so frustrating! Can't imagine how to deal with three Scrap-Iron Scarecrows in a single deck... Even if the opponent doesn't set all of them (to prevent mass destruction magic/traps cards) he could play one of them at a time, easily gaining an advantage during several turns of the duel. What do you think guys? Am I too impressed by this card or is it going to limited in some way? Forgive my English, please. FL.-- (talk) 00:38, December 30, 2010 (UTC)

Two word; Royal Decree. --FredCat Ta.P.F.P.J.R.W.S.Th.P.S.C. 00:41, December 30, 2010 (UTC)