Card Tips:Archlord Kristya

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  • If you do not want to return a monster to your hand you could use "The End of Anubis" to prevent this card from retrieving a monster and keep the number of Fairy monsters in the Graveyard at 4.
  • If you fill up your Graveyard with Dark-type Fairy Monsters like Dark Valkyria and Darknight Parshath, you can Special Summon Archlord Kristya and return Darknight Parshath to your hand. Then on your next turn, you can Tribute Summon the Darknight Parshath you added to your hand by using Archlord Kristya as a Tribute, and return Archlord Kristya to the top of your deck. Now in this case, you can Special Summon a Dark Armed Dragon from your hand, and if Darknight Parshath is sent to the Graveyard you can Special Summon Archlord Kristya when you draw it on the next turn.