Forum:LV Dragons

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I've been playing Yugioh for a long time, but I only recently started going to tournaments. This deck would dominate my friends but I've had little success with it in the competitive environment. My biggest problem so far is that I often draw spells, traps, and high level monsters. Mallet and Card trader are supposed to combat this but I don't draw them very often. I'm considering a second Mallet. My friend thinks it is simply bad shuffling on my part (shuffling with sleeves is difficult for me).

My other problem is that my dragons are very susceptible to Bottomless Trap Hole. Royal Decree, in addition to pairing nicely with Horus, helps to combat this. One common suggestion I get is to add a Jinzo to my deck. My issue with is that he requires a tribute and I already end up stuck with monsters I can't summon.

Also when I am able to play the Horus/Decree combo out it doesn't seem to last long. My opponents always seem to have a monster with an effect that can destroy Horus. I can't activate Divine Wrath because of Royal Decree.

Tips? Advice?