Forum:XYZ: Easy to use decks for unskilled duelists

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I may sound a bit lame seeing as how most people seem to only use xyz decks nowadays, but after all the lame duels I've experienced on the dueling network, I got to vent. They really screwed up the game with these easy to summon, easy to use and incredibly powerful xyz monsters. It's worthless. It was more competitive when a person has to use strategy to bring out powerful trump monsters. But now they can bring several powerful monsters out all at once with this xyz nonsense. Xyz is almost like its for the duelists who couldn't figure out how to build a good strategy deck with regular monsters so they were like "Here you go, we'll make these xyz monsters with unstoppable abilities for you. Any idiot can build an unstoppable deck with these." It's made dueling completely boring. And yes I'm sure some on here will be like I'm just mad because I'm losing, or I'm stuck in the old days, blah, blah, blah. No I have lost duels before to regular decks and it doesn't bother me. A deck that stifles me is the Destiny Hero fusions. I have lost many times to it and I'm not bothered at all because usually they have to combo several cards to bring out these powerful fusion monsters, and I just haven't found a counter to it yet. But with xyz they can just quickly and simply special summon the monsters they need and then bring out an indestructible monster almost instantly. Most of the time, there is no counter. The game has been kind of ruined by these xyz cards because there's no skill or thought into bringing out these monsters to win. It's so simple that its ridiculous. Once you have an xyz on the field you almost don't need any other magics or traps. I don't know how many times I have faced duelists on the dueling network you use the EXACT same xyz trump cards. There isn't even individuality anymore. Just grab an xyz deck with the best xyz monsters and have at it. They should have AT LEAST made it so that there were certain monsters you had to use to bring them out. But since you can use ANY monster it's completely lame.

While I partially agree that Xyz's are overpowered, I think it is part of the game's evolution. I admit that it is going down-hill, but it's a necessary evil to keep the game a bit more interesting.

The real thing that bothers me about Xyz is just that I expected a huge diversity of effects with this overlay mechanic. However, what we got were many monsters with destruction shielding abilities: Gachi Gachi Gantetsu, Wind-Up Zenmaines, Maestrok the Symphonic Devil, Number 101: Silent Honor ARK, Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke (my personal nemesis) and I'm sure there's even more.

It's a nice concept and these monsters have secondary effects that are more diverse, but it still bothers me a lot. I mean they are easy to get out, but hard to get rid off. I often maindeck Neo-Spacian Grand Mole just to deal with these annoying monsters.

The REAL problem IMO are the archetypes. Not all of them are bad and without them the game would look completely different, but they took a lot of creativity away from the game, the rest is sucked out by net-deckers. Konami should reduce the number of archetypes in the future. I mean take a look at, for instance, Lightsworns: Barely hit by a Ban-list, have access to an extremly overpowered bossmonster and gain new, even more OP support. It's game breaking and frustrating to play against with a creative and fun deck.

Xyz's are just a part of this problem. Archetypes are incredibly easy to exploit to gain an easy access to these monsters.

EDIT: Why is there no username attached to the original posters statement? It makes navigation confusing, so I put a line. - BronzeJohnson (talkcontribs) 23:35, February 7, 2014 (UTC)

Apologies about the signature. My first time posting on this. But I understand it's part the game evolving, but I think they WAY over did it. Some of the XYZ monsters I've faced it literally took nothing for my opponent to summon them, but there wasn't a card in my deck that could help me destroy them. Their abilities are absolutely ridiculous. I mean, why are cards like monster reborn or raigeki banned when some of these monsters can do both those things per turn with almost no cost. I'm not thinking of any monster in particular, just a rationalization. I was on a yugioh hiatus for 4 years and found my dragon deck and wanted to continue collecting and dueling people. After I got all the cards I wanted and made what I thought would be a good strategy, I started dueling kids and would just continually get embarrassed by these ridiculous monsters. With these in a deck, it almost nullifies the need for support Spell/Trap cards. All the powerful XYZ monsters are basically god cards almost, except easy to summon. At least the god cards require a three monster tribute which is WAY more difficult than the ways to summon some of the most powerful XYZ's. Drake52 (talkcontribs) 00:22, February 8, 2014 (UTC)

It's a result of out-of-control power creep. Just look at the first few Xyz Monsters, which carried additional downsides when they have no Material. Now compare to some of the new ones which maintain static effects whether or not they hold Material.

So, not only do you need cards of roughly equal calibre to take them on, but said cards are quite expensive, making Yugioh a rich man's game. Which is why I've taken to building cheap Decks that can sucker-punch the expensive ones. Though, this usually involves "degenerate" or "you can't play Yugioh" cards which the banlist has started to clamp down upon... --Gadjiltron (ta 12:58, February 8, 2014 (UTC)

I agree. The reason I like yugioh is because every deck can be different and sort of represents the individual who builds the deck. But most of the xyz completely throw that out. Some of them require a certain type of monster for the xyz and that's fine. But most u can just have any sort of monsters u want just to easily bring out an unstoppable monster. There's no thought or strategy to it.

I'm sure xyz has a lot of fans, but I just do not like it. I have a few strategies that once my dragon that I want gets out, it's nearly unstoppable, but it takes a lot for me to execute my strategy. Xyz summons take almost nothin at all. I liked when yugioh decks had a theme. It's sad that xyz ruins that. Drake52 (talkcontribs) 18:19, February 8, 2014 (UTC)

And to be real honest, 90% of these xyz monsters more deserve a spot on the ban list then most the cards on there. Drake52 (talkcontribs) 18:20, February 8, 2014 (UTC)

If I may take a stance to the contrary - The main problem with most easily Summonable generic Xyz Monsters (the Rank 4 ones, at least) is that they simply aren't strong enough to constitute a strategy on their own. You might Summon 1 to solve a particular problem, but the odds it takes you through to a win are unlikely. Most generic Xyz Monsters simply do not have high enough stats (with Number 52: Diamond Crab King being the only one that can be easily Summoned by most decks that has stats that match up to those of a "true" boss monster) and while they often have powerful effects, they are nowhere close to insurmountable. Think about Evilswarms. They are a deck built to churn out Rank 4 monsters constantly, but that in itself does not constitute a game-destroying strategy, which is why Ophion is the only reason they do anything at all. And if your problem is not with the generic Xyz Monsters but rather the specific ones, then that is no different to disliking cards like Judgment Dragon or Gladiator Beast Gyzarus - not everyone if going to play them against you. Battlemaniac (talkcontribs) 21:54, February 8, 2014 (UTC)

While I won't completely disagree, single Xyz monsters do cause a problem in their own right (just not a strategy by themselves). The way I see it, the Rank 2-4 (and a handful of 5's) generic Xyz act more in the fashion of the old Warrior toolbox. A specific problem presents itself and you summon the Xyz monster put in for just that situation (Evilswarm Exciton Knight after your opponent swarms you). Summoning them just because you can (ie you don't have a particular reason for picking a specific Xyz) is much weaker (though it can have its merits with the destruction protection Xyz monsters). Some of the newer ones will likely see a limit (if not a ban) in the future. Holmez89 (talkcontribs) 02:17, February 24, 2014 (UTC)