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Sectarian of Secrets

173 bytes added, 2 months ago
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{{Unofficial name|Greek}}
|dename de_name = Sektierer der Geheimnisse|frname fr_name = Sectaire des Secrets|grname es_name = Αιρετικός των ΜυστικώνSectario de los Secretos|kanji it_name = <ruby><rb>Adepto dei Segreti| ja_name = {{Ruby|</rb><rp>(</rp><rt>|やみ</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>}}にしたがう<ruby><rb>{{Ruby|</rb><rp>(</rp><rt>|もの</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>}}|jpname = 闇にしたがう者|jphira = やみにしたがうもの|phon romaji_name = Yami ni Shitagau MonoShitagaumono|trans trans_name = The One who Leads into DarknessFollower in the Dark|ptname pt_name = Escrivão dos segredos|sddname image = Secretarian of Secrets|image = SectarianofSecretsTP81; SectarianofSecrets-V1-JP-C.jpg; SectarianofSecrets-TF05-JP-VG-artwork.png1.1; SectarianofSecrets-TP8-EN-C-UE.jpg; SectarianofSecrets-MADU-EN-VG-artwork.png| current_image = 1.1|attribute = DarkDARK|type types = Spellcaster/ Normal|atk = 700|def = 500|level = 2|lore = ''This [[Spellcaster|wizard]] worships the [[DARK|darkness]], and is served by a sinister hand that drags its enemies into oblivion.''|frlore fr_lore = ''Ce [[Spellcaster|sorcier]] adore les [[DARK|ténèbres]], et a pour serviteur une sinistre main qui emporte ses ennemis dans l'oubli.''|ptlore de_lore = ''Dieser Magier betet die Finsternis an und wird von einer bösen Hand bedient, welche seine Feinde in die Vergessenheit zieht.''| es_lore = ''Este hechicero adora a la Oscuridad y es servido por una mano siniestra que arrastra a sus enemigos al olvido.''| it_lore = ''Questo mago adora le tenebre, ed è servito da una oscura mano che trascina i suoi nemici nell'oblio.''| pt_lore = ''Este feiticeiro trabalha na escuridão e é servido por uma mão sinistra que puxa seus inimigos para o esquecimento.''|japlore ja_lore = 闇を崇拝する魔法使い。魔の手を呼び出し暗闇へ引きずり込む。|edslore trans_lore = ''A spellcaster that wizard who worships the dark, it is served by darkness. He calls upon a sinister demon hand that drags enemies and drag people into oblivionthe black darkness.''|number password = 15507080|en_sets ='''[[TP8-EN019; Tournament Pack 8]]''' ([[TP8-EN019]] - [[C]]); Common|fr_sets ='''[[TP8-FR019; Tournament Pack 8]]''' ([[TP8-FR019]] - [[C]]); Common|de_sets ='''[[TP8-DE019; Tournament Pack 8]]''' ([[TP8-DE019]] - [[C]]); Common|it_sets ='''[[TP8-IT019; Tournament Pack 8]]''' ([[TP8-IT019]] - [[C]]); Common|sp_sets ='''[[TP8-SP019; Tournament Pack 8]]''' ([[TP8-SP019]] - [[C]]); Common|jp_sets ='''[[; Vol.1]]''' ([[C]])|sdd_sets = '''[[Dark Magician (SDD-BP)|Dark Magician]]''' ([[; Common]]) '''[[Yellow Millennium Eye (SDD-BP)|Yellow Millennium Eye]]''' ([[Common]])|wc6_sets ='''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2006: Spellcaster Collection A|Spellcaster Collection A]]''' '''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2006: All Normal Monsters|All Normal Monsters]]''' ([[Common]]) '''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2006: All at Random|All at Random]]''' ([[Common]])|eds_sets ='''[[Dark Magician (EDS-BP)|Dark Magician]]'''|vid =[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4]]|dordc = 17|dornumber database_id = 0724274

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