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User:Darth Covah

492 bytes added, 14 years ago
** Lots of news since the last time I got my 2x [[Destiny Draw]]added some! Now For starters, I've got a playset! the following cards I also got a wanted: : 1x [[Doomkaiser DragonCharge of the Light Brigade]] and a SR: 1x [[Revived King Ha DesElemental Hero Ocean]] - anyone guess if those 3 cards are combined in a deck? If you got it, kudos to you! If you didn't, well, you will soon ;-) I'm now waiting for Hidden Arsenal and SOVR-ENSE to UR: 1x [[Mist Wurm|getAlly of Justice - Catastor]] ScR: 1x [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary|some]] ScR: 1x [[Ally of Justice - Catastor|moreMist Wurm]] ScR: 3x [[Mist Valley Soldier|cards]] ScR: 3x [[Fortune's Future]] SR: 1x [[Future Visions]] SR: 1x [[The Transmigration Prophecy]] R: 2x [[Chain Destruction]] R: 3x [[Dimensional Alchemist]] C: 1x [[Necro Gardna]] UtR 1st: 1x [[Necro Gardna]] GUR: 3x [[Flamvell Magician]] SR: 3x [[Flamvell Firedog]] R: 3x [[Rekindling]] C: 1-3x of every [[SOVR]] Fortune Lady.: 3x [[Hidden Armory]] C: 3x [[Supervise]] C: 3x [[Charge Burden of the Light Brigade|Mighty]] C And some others I can't remember now xD. Ineed 2 more Charges, a [[Tempest Magician]] , 2 [[Dark Simorgh|wantTragoedia]]s, 2 [[D.D. Crow]]s, 2 [[Miracle Fusion]] and 3 [[Elemental Hero Absolute Zero]](when it comes out). Guess what deck I'll be building soon.--[[User:Darth Covah|Darth Covah]] ([[User_talk:Darth Covah|Talk]] | [[User:Darth Covah/Darth Covah's DeckZone|DeckZone]] | [[User:Darth Covah/Darth Covah's Binder|Binder]]) 0019:3859, November 13December 16, 2009 (UTC) 
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