User talk:Axel Shiokawa

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Revision as of 01:20, 4 January 2014 by Axel Shiokawa (talk) (Gwenhwyfar)
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No, it is "wheel" because the word "roue', which is in the OCG name, means "wheel" in French, also he's holding a wheel-like shield. "Shinpan" means "divine judgment"; the kanji for "day" is nowhere in the name. MadRest 12:53, February 20, 2013 (UTC)


Hi. Gwenhwyfar isn't a "Noble Knight" (and no one is saying that she is), but it's a support for them AND based on a character of their legend. There's no list of cards and their origin in the "Noble Arms" page, so that's why she deserves to be there, so all the information of their origins are in the same place. --Missign0 (talkcontribs) 01:14, January 4, 2014 (UTC)

That is not the point of dispute. Gwenhwyfar does not belong to the Noble Knight archetype under the standards used by the Wikia, regardless to the fact that she is clearly meant to support them. Going by that standard, Gwen would have to be removed from the page. That said, I have been trying to think of a good way to bring up her addition to the Noble Arms archetype so that the information is presented properly and could use some aid in dealing with that. - Axel Shiokawa (talkcontribs) 01:20, January 4, 2014 (UTC)