User talk:Kagerō Paladin

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Revision as of 07:15, 7 February 2013 by Kagerō Paladin (talk) (Gladiator Beast in the Chariot)
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Gladiator Beast in the Chariot[edit]

Thank you for trying to figuring that Gladiator Beast Essedarii may look like Gladiator Beast Andal, but you're just deadly wrong - Andal is a Bear and has long scout, while Essedarii is a Gorilla with buff body as well as flat scout. Yes, I have seen enough Gorilla to tell them both difference. Have a great edit, and be sure to study the cards closely to see the resemble. --iFredCat 22:06, February 6, 2013 (UTC)

I understand. Thanks you for the correction. I'll try my best to help edit (correctly) in the future. -Kagerō Paladin-