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Water Magician (DM2)

DM2 / DM3 / DM4 / DM5 / DM6 / DM7

Water Magician
Mizu no Madōshi
Number 430
Deck Cost 24
ATK / DEF 1400 / 1000
Type Aqua
Alignment Water
Password 93343894

This creature surrounds opponents with water and envelops them in a sweeping attack.

みずであいてのまわりをかこんで つつむようにこうげきをする

Obtained by

"Water Magician" can be obtained via random drop from the following characters. The chance of winning it is listed as a percentage and a probability out of 2048.

Character % 2048th
Ishizu Ishtar Naomi 1.95 40

Opponents' Decks

The following characters use "Water Magician". The chances of the card being included in their Deck is listed as a percentage and a probability out of 2048.

Character % 2048th
Dox 0.05 1
Ishizu Ishtar Naomi 0.05 1
PaniK 1.17 24
Para 0.05 1
Mako Tsunami 0.05 1
Weevil Underwood 0.44 9
Mai Valentine 0.49 10