Card Errata:Dawn of the Herald

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This card is used to Ritual Summon "Herald of Perfection". You must also Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal exactly 6 from the field or your hand. When "Herald of Perfection" is Ritual Summoned by this card's effect, you can remove from play this card in your Graveyard to select 1 of the monsters Tributed for that Ritual Summon, and return it from your Graveyard to your hand. This card is used to Ritual Summon "Herald of Perfection". You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal exactly 6. When "Herald of Perfection" is Ritual Summoned by this card's effect: You can banish this card from your Graveyard to target 1 of the monsters in your Graveyard that was Tributed for that Ritual Summon; return that target to your hand. This card is used to Ritual Summon "Herald of Perfection". You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal exactly 6. When "Herald of Perfection" is Ritual Summoned by this card's effect: You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 of the monsters in your Graveyard that was Tributed for that Ritual Summon; return that target to your hand.


Original First erratum
「神光の宣告者」の降臨に必要。手札・自分フィールド上から、レベルの合計が6になるようにモンスターをリリースしなければならない。このカードの効果によって「神光の宣告者」が儀式召喚に成功した時、自分の墓地に存在するこのカードをゲームから除外する事で、その儀式召喚のためにリリースしたモンスター1体を選択し、自分の墓地から手札に戻す。 「神光の宣告者」の降臨に必要。自分の手札・フィールド上から、レベルの合計が6になるようにモンスターをリリースしなければならない。このカードの効果によって「神光の宣告者」が儀式召喚に成功した時、自分の墓地このカードをゲームから除外する事で、その儀式召喚のためにリリースしたモンスター1体を選択し、自分の墓地から手札に戻す。