Card Rulings:Duke Shade, the Sinister Shadow Lord

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OCG Rulings

Q&A Rulings

A: When activating the effect of "Duke Shade, the Sinister Shadow Lord" that Special Summons it from your hand, you can apply the effect of "Lair of Darkness" and Tribute 1 of your opponent's DARK monsters. Since the effect of "Lair of Darkness" only allows you to Tribute 1 of your opponent's monsters, even if you Tribute multiple monsters to activate the effect of "Duke Shade, the Sinister Shadow Lord", you cannot Tribute 2 or more of your opponent's monsters.[1]
A: When activating the effect of "Duke Shade, the Sinister Shadow Lord" that adds a Level 5 or higher DARK monster in your GY to your hand, you can target a Fusion or Synchro Monster. That monster will return to your Extra Deck instead of being added to your hand.[2]
A: If the effect of "Skill Drain" is applied to "Duke Shade, the Sinister Shadow Lord" that was Special Summoned by its own effect, it no longer gains any ATK from that effect. Therefore, the ATK of "Duke Shade, the Sinister Shadow Lord" becomes 500. (Even if the effect of "Skill Drain" stops applying later, its ATK remains 500.)[3]
