Card Rulings:Fabled Ragin

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TCG Rulings

  • You only draw for this effect once, even if the number of cards in your hand remains below 2 due to an effect like Deck Devastation Virus.[1]

OCG Rulings

  • The effect of "Fabled Ragin" lets you draw cards from your Deck until you have two cards in your hand. You do not draw exactly two cards from the Deck.[2]
  • If your hand size decreases below two after the effect of "Fabled Ragin" resolves, then you cannot draw again.[3]
    • Example: While the effect of "Crush Card Virus" is active, if you draw cards by the effect of "Fabled Ragin" and you draw a monster(s) with 1500+ ATK, then the monster(s) is destroyed and you cannot draw again.[3]


  1. Konami Gameplay FAQ: Hidden Arsenal 3 -- Card Rulings (version 1.0)
  2. Konami FAQ: Synchro Monster > Fabled Ragin
  3. a b Konami FAQ: If your hand size decreases after drawing by the effect of "Fabled Ragin", then can you draw again?