Forum:A Hero Emerges!

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  • Hello everyone!  :)

I have a question regarding "A Hero Emerges". I know that the scenario that I am using is "unrealistic", but I need to know the answer to this query. Thank you very much for your assistance regarding this matter, I really appreciate them! :)

+++ The Question +++

If I activate all "3" of my "A Hero Emerges" at the same time as a response to my opponent attacking my LP directly and I have exactly "3" cards in my hand (who are all USABLE for "A Hero Emerges" effect), what is the proper course of action to take next?

(a) Go through the process anyway even though I know that all of them will be summoned.

(b) Get the option to say "since all of the cards in my hand are monsters, I'm summoning them to the field".

(c) Doesn't matter because either result will end up the same?

The Crazy Tactician! (talkcontribs) 14:38, May 6, 2011 (UTC)

It will go:
CL1 A Hero Emerges, CL2 A Hero Emerges, CL3 A Hero Emerges
CL3: one gets chosen at random then summoned,
CL2: one gets chosen at random then summoned,
CL1: one gets chosen at random then summoned (still random despite it being 1 card)
Then, the opponent is allowed to respond to the Summon of the monter from Cl1, but not the CL 2 or 3.
Ie: if they play Bottomless Trap Hole on the 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon you summoned, only the CL1 one will be removed.
-Resk™ (Talk) 14:43, May 6, 2011 (UTC)