Forum:Advice for dragon deck??

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Just wondering if there is any way to add/take cards away from my deck in order to make it better.

My main goal in this deck is to get Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and eventually Five-Headed Dragon. I learned from experience I can't rely on just that. Any suggestions??

Effect Monsters

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragonx3, Dragonic Knightx2, The White Stone of Legendx3, Montage Dragon, Genesis Dragon, Chthonian Emperor Dragon, Decoy Dragonx3, Magna Dragox2, Masked Dragonx2, Lord of D., Buster Blader, Felgrand Dragon, Prime Material Dragon, Red-Eyes Wyvernx2

Normal Monster

Blue-Eyes White Dragonx3

Extra Deck

Five-Headed Dragon, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Exploder Dragonwing, Thought Ruler Archfiend Trident Dragion

Trap Cards

Bottomless Trap Hole, Sakuretsu Armorx3, Royal Decree

Spell Cards

Dragon's Mirrorx2, The Flute of Summoning Dragon, Dark Hole, Mystical Space Typhoon, Reasoning, Swords of Revealing Light, Monster Reborn, Gold Sarcophagusx2