Forum:Beating this deck??

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i need help some help to build a deck thats can beat this deck


paladin of cursed dragon

dice jar x2

pyramid turtle x 2

exiled force

man eater bug

old vindictive magican

neo spacian mole

d.d. warrior lady

patrician of darkness

snipe hunter

d.d. warrior

red eyes zomibe dragon

master kyonshee

pengiun solider


malevolant mech

ryu kokki x 2

d.d. assailant

spirit reaper

zombie master x2



wabaku x2

wall of light

raigeki break x2

needle wall x2

draing sheild

trap hole x2

torrential trib

gravity bind

bottomless trap hole

ordel of the traveler x 3

magic cards

heavy storm


hammer shot

soul release

swords of revealing light

offerings to the doomed

lighting vortex x2

tribute to the doomed

ekibyo drakmoro x2

any thoughts on how to build a deck to beat this one would be appriecated cause i cant seem to do any thing against this deck .