Forum:Can anyone help me fix up my Horus lockdown deck?

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Ok i know i need jinzos so working on that, but for now this is what i have so far


Horus lvl 8 x2
horus lvl 6 x3
Cyber dragon x2
Mobius x2
morphing jar
twin headed behemoth
mirage dragon x2
neo spacian grand mole
DDA x2
treborn frog
exiled force


pulling the rug x2
bottomless traphole x2
royal decree x2
torrential tribute
pot of avarice x2
shrink x2
premature burial
monster reborn
heavy storm
Mystical space typhoon
enemy controller
brain control
lightning vortex
swords of revealing light
  • Add Level Up!, Horus LV6 is unaffected by Spells, but he can still be used as a cost, which is what you would need to use him for if you use Level Up! Bluedog187 19:46, 31 July 2008 (UTC)
  • Yah, jinzo is helpful. Might also want to try Destiny Hero - Plasma to stop effects to make a full lockdown. I never found level up! to be needed since level 6 is easy enough to level up as it is, but if you were to use level 4 it would help. Might want to take out treeborn frog, because royal decree would stop his effect from working. Instead maybe try spell striker? Destiny hero - Dasher and Snipe hunter may also help. I run a Fire-themed version of Horus negate, those some of things I use. Bio 20:10, 31 July 2008 (UTC)