Forum:Female Spellcaster Deck.

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Hey everyone. I need help with my Deck, but the thing is, my Deck is a Female Spellcaster Deck [with the exception of 3 Dark Magicians] =) I'd like some help as to what to take out, what to put it, and what-not. Remember, it's a Female Spellcaster. That means, no Skilled Dark Magicians. No Apprentice Magician. No Old Vindictive Magician, ect. All those Male Spellcasters = No-No.

I'm trying to get Crystal Seers and Magical Exemplars, but I don't know what else to do...

One last thing: I. Don't. Run. Synchros...

Err, Yeah. Sorry if you think I'm too fussy, it's just who I am :p But Yeah, I'd like some help. As for Money, I would like to try to spend as little as possible. So don't go and put Comments like, "Oh, put in Solemn Judgements", or something else like that. Well, you can if you want, but I'm not gonna do it just 'cause they cost so darn much :c

And before I Type out my Decklist... I know some People may think I'm Stupid for having such a weird Deck. My Friend's tell me often that my Deck should put other Spellcasters rather than being based of Females. I know how much better my Deck would be if Skilled Dark Magicians were in, and other stuff like that. But the simple truth is, I just don't like them ^^

Here we go... Sorry for Ranting on ...

Monsters: Normal. TOTAL: 4.

1 - Gemini Elf 3 - Dark Magicians.

Monsters: Effect. TOTAL: 16.

1 - Familiar-Possessed - Aussa. 1 or 2 - Familiar-Possessed - Eria. 2 - Familiar-Possessed - Wynn. 1 - Familiar-Possessed - Hiita. 3 - Magical Exemplars. [Proxy'd]. 0 or 1 - Card Ejector. 1 - Injection Fairy Lily. 3 - Magician's Valkyria. 2 - Dark Magician Girl.

Spells: TOTAL: 13.

1 - Lightning Vortex. 1 - Heavy Storm. 1 - Mystical Space Typhoon. 1 - Brain Control. 1 - Magical Dimension. [Yes, Yes. I know, I'm getting another one from a Friend, and I'm looking for a 3rd one]. 1 - Monster Reborn. 2 - Secret Village of the Spellcasters. 1 - Dark Magic Attack. 2 - Dark Magic Curtain. 2 - Sage's Stone.

Traps: TOTAL: 8.

1 - Sakuretsu Armor. 1 - Torrential Tribute. 3 - Magician's Circle. 1 - Mirror Force. 1 - Magic Cylinder. 1 - Negate Attack.

Okay, there ya go. Thanks for your time and hope you can help me out...

P.S Familiar-Possessed - Eria can be either 2 or 1. To make it 4o Cards, I have Card Ejector there and 1 Eria. If Card Ejector is out, then I put in 2 Eria's...

Try Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress. Twist it to blow a backrow then Magical Dimension into a 2500 beatstick is one of my favourite spellcaster plays. Lumina is nice as well. Shadowpriestess of Ohm is a fairly nice card as well. No deck running Magician's Circle can be without Magical Marionette but because it is genderless, I not going to suggest it.

- All Familiar-Possessed

+ 2 Lyla + 2 Lumina + 3 Shadowprietess + 1 or 2 Charge of the Light Bridage (Don't do this fix if you can't get them) + 1 or 2 Allure of Darkness (Same as Charge)

I'm putting up my Spellcaster deck soon. 08:41, 11 January 2009 (UTC)