Forum:Future visions, kinka-byo, and fortune lady light

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Future Visions is active, Kinka-byo is summoned and the turn player calls priority to special summon Lady Light. How does this resolve?

Will kinka-byo summon lady light, then kinka-byo gets removed from play by FVisions therefore removing Light from the field, special summoning and Fortune lady from the deck?

Or does it resolve as: Future visions first removes Kinka-byo, then his effect specials summons Light and light stays on field? (talk) 16:14, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

Summoning Kinka-Byo will cause Future Vision's effect to activate. Then Kinka's effect will activate, targeting Light. It will resolve like this:

Chain Resolution:

Then Fortune Lady Light's effect is activated, letting you summon a fortune lady from the Deck. I'm not sure that her effect activates, though.

--Drew-Gi-Oh! (talk) 16:45, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

As Drew said. In this situation you have the correct timing to activate Fortune Lady Light's effect.-- (talk) 17:07, August 24, 2010 (UTC)