Forum:Gladiator Beast effect

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hi, i was wondering if som1 could help me out on this. You see I just made me my new Gladiator Beast deck and I had a qeustion about it. you see when a Gladiator beast is attacked or attacks it can return to your deck to special summon another one. so here's the scenario:

player A's blue eyes white dragon attacks my darius (1700/300) normally it is destroyed, but here is my qeustion: Does my Darius return from the grave to my deck or does it stay? and can or can't I then special summon a monster



Interesting situation u have there lol. Anyway the GBs have to survive battle for the switching effect to work. But if Darius him slef survives he can pull a GB from the graveyard. MajesticGladiator 22:41, 18 July 2008 (UTC)

bear in mind gladiator beast's effects work only at the end of the battle phase. so if a gladiator beast is destroyed in battle, it's effect wouldn't work because it'd be in the graveyard before the end of the battle phase anyway. your best way of making sure they can attack and not be destroyed in battle is either Waboku or the gladiator beast equivalent Defensive Tactics, or Gladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield. Iamthekyleb 22:13, 18 July 2008 (UTC)