Forum:I can't chose!!!!

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I have some dificulty to chose an achetype .I have a lot of card but I don't like my created me to chose an fun to play archetype

sorry for the accent: 16:48, 23 December 2008 (UTC)

I can't chose an archetype.I want a cool an fun to play deck

Well we're gonna need alittle more info. Like what you like to do in your duels. For instance I liked lockdowns so my first archtype that I really like was a Horus lv deck

Go for a synchro deck. A couple of copies of the 5Ds Starter Deck and maybe a few Duelist Genesis booster packs will give you something solid and easy to run as synchros are. Basically the starter deck itself teaches you about the deck. vblue 21:06, 23 December 2008 (UTC)

my choice

me myself likes zane truesdale,so i use cyberdragons,so just makea deck of a type of monster you like or make a similsr deck to a favourite charecter of the program.


I like D.D. cards, and other effects that involve being removed from play. They're pretty powerful and many can be found in: Structure Deck: The Dark Emperor. D.D. King 18:42, 30 December 2008 (UTC)

Cheap, fun, and powerful archtypes

I've played many archetypes, and a few I would recomend would be:

Crystal Beasts (buy 10 packs of jesse anderson or FOTB)

Psychics (still developing archetype)

Spellcasters (buy two of their structure deck)

Gladiator Beasts (Buy 10 packs of galdiators assult and buy SR heraklinos)

Macro Monarchs (just buy 3 structure decks SDDE)

These are strong and entertaining archtypes and deck types. If you choose glads, keep it simple. Also, dont make decks completely based on TV characters.

Blue-Eyes White Kid 00:26, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

If I may...

I would suggest:

  • E-Heroes (Buy the Jaden starter deck and some TLM, EEN, and CRV packs)
  • Neo-Spacians (buy some Strike of neos and POTD packs)
  • Archfiends (you're on your own in finding packs that still have these cards)

E-Dizzle 23:29, 31 December 2008 (UTC)