Forum:I defy you to find a problem with this deck that I cannot fix!!

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My Perfect Froggy Deck

Des Frog x3

Des Croaking

D.3.S Frog

Treeborn Frog
Fusion Sage

Beelze Frog





Rod of Silence - Kay'est
Spirit Barrier
Poison Draw Frog

Silent Abyss

Cost Down


Gogiga Gagagigo

Froggy Forcefield

Mirror Force
Hallowed Life Shield
Draining Shield

Pot of Greed

Graceful Charity

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Magic Jammer x2

Trap Jammer

Trap Hole

Adhesion Trap Hole

Rising Energy

Forced Back

Mobius the Frost Monarch

The reason these cards are indented is because their strategies go hand-in-hand. Let me try and shed some light on some of my strategies.

The main one is the combination of Substitoad (DEF/2000) ability to protect my Frog monsters combined with Treeborn Frog ability, until my equip cards kick in and his effect is no longer active, to summon Des Frog (ATK/1900) or Unifrog (ATK/1600 after Wetlands Field Magic Card with ability to attack directly and destroy one Spell or Trap). I haven't lost you yet have I, because it may get more complicated.

Oh, before I forget, Wetlands could not be a more perfect card for my Frogs. It increases all WATER-Attribute/Aqua-type/Level 2 or lower monsters ATK by an astounding 1200! This includes Beelze Frog (my offense that will be up to 3300 ATK points when combined with Demotion which lowers his stars from 3 to 1 so Wetlands can kick in and when all three T.A.D.P.O.L.Es are in my graveyard via Substitoad, Graceful Charity, or Magic Jammer), Unifrog (my assassin), Substitoad (my defense which will be dang near indestructible due to Rod of Silence - Kay'est), T.A.D.P.O.L.E (my pawns that will actually have a decent 1200 ATK), Treeborn Frog (my reinforcements), and Poison Draw Frog (which can come in handy, because hey, who wouldn't like an extra card in their hand?)

Now, I know you may be starting to think that my Substitoad is the heart of my strategy so if he's gone then my plans fall apart. Well, for starters, he has 2000 DEF and equipped with Rod of Silence - Kay'est he will have 2500 DEF and will not be affected by Spell Cards. Also, with Spirit Barrier, I won't receive any damage and my Frogs won't be destroyed while Substitoad remains with me. Not to mention all the Attack Reflection Cards I have, Froggy Forcefield (in case you threaten my Froggy's!), Mirror Force, Radiant Mirror Force (in case I start to fall behind), Draining Shield, and Hallowed Life Shield. I also like to cut problems off at the source using 'Trap Hole and Adhesion Trap Hole.

"I could easily take you down with Mystical Space Typhoon or Giant Trunade! Your deck sucks!! haha" Don't patronize me you little punks who think that every strategy can be blown away with Giant Trunade or Shield and Sword. I have been playing too long for your little tricks. Magic Jammer is just as effective as your sad little cards and can send T.A.D.P.O.L.E or Treeborn Frog to the graveyard to boost Beelze Frog or D.3.S Frog. Besides, if you think you are going to get anywhere near my Froggys, you better think again because my Frogs won't leave me unless they need to!

D.3.S Frog could be considered a Trump Card, but to be honest, I've never been that big a fan of Fusion Monsters because they can be time-consuming to summon, they get your hopes up and when they leave the field, it's devastating since you spent probably the entire duel trying to summon it. But, my Frogs would be lonely without big daddy. It is kinda dicey considering I would be giving up three perfectly capable monsters for one big monster that may or may not work out. Sure he has an original ATK of 2500 and gains 500 ATK for each Treeborn Frog that is, unfortunately, in my graveyard, but in my opinion, 3 Frog heads are better than one. In case I miss those 3 heads, De-Fusion generously brings them back and I read on this very site that an attack from D.3.S Frog, then De-Fusion and an attack from 3 Des Frog deals 8200 damage. so, if all else fails...

I know good and well that these Frogs aren't the strongest cards in terms of ATK, initially, until my plan goes into full effect. Abracadabra, meet one of my buds Gagagigo!! Not enough for ya? Say hello to his big bro Gogiga Gagagigo, his tattletale cousin Silent Abyss, and his protective uncle Mobius the Frost Monarch. Cost Down ought to bring them to the party, right?

Whew! If your still reading this than you are my new bestie because I greatly appreciate you sticking around. It was such a stress-reliever to finally tell someone, anyone about my strategies and if you can manage to find some holes, let DesFroggy know please.


  • Hate to break it to ya, and I hate to be a pain, but your deck relies a bit too much on drawing the right cards at the right time, so that may be a problem. Other than that, I don't see any problems, good job on such a cool deck! Bluedog187 03:55, 18 July 2008 (UTC)

Treeborn Frog is limited to oneSkavinger 04:24, 18 July 2008 (UTC)

  • Dude, he only has one. Take a look at his decklist. Bluedog187 04:38, 18 July 2008 (UTC)

Check history page before making comment like that bluedog he's changed his deck scene my commentSkavinger 05:08, 18 July 2008 (UTC)

  • Whoops, guess I messed up. Sorry! Bluedog187 05:10, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
  • You have forbidden cards according to the recent banlist. I refuse to help. Chris427 07:26, 18 July 2008 (UTC)

you would be wiped out vs a skill drain deck or D.D. deck. iamthekyleb