Forum:I feel really dumb asking this...

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When you play in a tournament, and you have your cards in sleeves, do the sleeves for your extra deck have to be the exact same (color, style, etc) for your main deck? Is it okay to have the extra deck in a different color?Vulpine 23:27, November 30, 2009 (UTC)


lol, "yes" to which question?Vulpine 23:38, November 30, 2009 (UTC)

oh sorry i din't realize that u had 2 questions yeah they must be he same else they are marked plus if u didn't have to, it wouldn't look good and if you play say, Question, then they might know by the sleeves basically if more than half the time u can identify the back be it card sleeve, bwend or other marking, it is marked and cannot be used unless u use or change a sleeve so it matches. for instance, I'm sooper depressed cause I was posting last night and my elbow crunched my whole friggin' Obelisk playset! WTF!!

for the extra deck you can have different colour sleeves every sleeve in your main deck has to be the same colour style ETC. Sammykill98 00:02, December 1, 2009 (UTC)

Thank you very much! =D Vulpine 02:34, December 1, 2009 (UTC)