Forum:Lightsworn or X-Saber?

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I was wondering whether I should get the LODT booster box to make a Lightsworn deck, or pre-order an Ancient Prophecy booster box w/ Yugioh 5d's 2009 Starter Deck to make an X-Saber deck.

Honestly, I don't know. LS is famously wallet-breaking to build, though it is currently the more powerful deck. On the other hand, between the starter deck and ANPR, X-Sabers are getting frankly epic support. Gottoms' Emergency Call, Fulhelmknight, and Faultroll can bring out some seriously amazing swarms, and with Airbellum, Urbellum and XX-Saber Gottoms they have hand control to make any duelist squirm. Runer5h 03:18, 31 August 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

PhilipG-- Yeah, I think I will go with X-Sabers. I've already bought a few of the 5Ds 2009 Starter Decks and have made a proxy deck (only the xx-sabers are proxy, because I haven't gotten Ancient Prophecy yet). I have tested it out, and, from what I have seen, it is quite frankly amazing. Cards like Faultroll, Ragigura, Gottoms' Emergency Call, and Saber Slash make it practically invincible at times (Rescue Cat and Summoner Monk help a lot too). Usually within my first two turns I can swarm the field with XX-Saber Gottoms and X-Saber Urbellums while the opponent has no cards on his hand nor his field. In conclusion, I love this deck :) Although, it almost seems too good. I hope it isn't ban-hammered right after the release of Ancient Prophecy.

you better wait for SOVR in tcg because LS will get support Killbolt 04:30, 31 August 2009 (UTC)