Forum:Ligtsworn vs koa'ki meiru

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okay my freind is building a koa'ki deck to stop my lightsworn what card mostly lightsworn should i add?

I don't have much experience with koaki meirus, but i dont see how they can beat a lightsworn deck. If he somehow manages to beat you consistently, post up how he did it and then we'll sort out some ways to counter. Yummyjelly 12:10, January 27, 2010 (UTC)

Well, it's true that Koa'ki Meiru monster can easily counter any light and dark base decking. The only strategy i can think is playing Synchro Lightsworn. Try adding Plaguespreader Zombie and Lightwave Tuning for fast Synchro to summon Synchro monster other than light and dark type (Goyo Guardian and Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier is a good choices). Also, try negate or destroy his summoned monster (Bottomless Trap Hole, Solemn Judgment, Trap Hole) because, usually, Koa'ki Meiru deck hard to special summon a monster (so he might relying mostly on Normal Summon) other than Koa'ki Meiru Maximus.
Also, try make his Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru spell card out-play. Believe me, this deck is an easy kill once he no longer has this spell card... NoobYugiohPlayerLanspearsaber 12:53, January 28, 2010 (UTC)